>[ahming_at_ming ~/3CAI]$ more CYC_ANTE.in
>$AMBERHOME/exe/antechamber -i CYC-1.out -fi gout -o CYC-1.prep -fo prepi -c
>[ahming_at_ming ~/3CAI]$ ./CYC_ANTE.in
>sh: resp: command not found
>sh: resp: command not found
>Cannot open QOUT , exit
>[ahming_at_ming ~/3CAI]$
Could anyone tell me where I do wrong?Any thought would be greatly
Yi Ming Cheng
National Taiwan University
No. 1, Sec. 4, Luosfu Rd., Daan Chiu, Taipei, Taiwan 106, R.O.C.
Dept. of Chemistry Pi-Tai Chou's Group
E-Mail: d90223013_at_ms90.ntu.edu.tw
FAX: (886)02-23695208
Phone: (886)02-23630231#3988
Received on Fri Apr 12 2002 - 22:30:26 PDT