Re: PDB file with CONECT record

From: Miguel Angel <>
Date: Fri 12 Apr 2002 12:03:09 +0200

> > Ok, I understand that ambpdb and ptraj dont genertae
> > CONECT records, but then how do I see my sander
> > minimized/dynamics structure with the
> > modified/edited bond
> Modify ambpdb or ptraj (or carnal) to add CONECT
> records. Or perhaps MOILview can get bond info from
> prmtop - it wouldn't surprise me.

One easy way to do that is passing through the XmMol program. You load the
pdb file, then you add or delete connections, and when you save it (in a pdb
format) you will get all the CONNECT lines at the end of the file.
XmMol is freely distributed to licensed academic institutions.

Miguel Angel.
Received on Fri Apr 12 2002 - 03:03:09 PDT
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