Re: Follow distances during MD

From: Raik Grunberg <>
Date: Thu 11 Apr 2002 14:49:16 +0200 (CEST)

ptraj is the optimal tool for that. You need to write a small input file:

trajin md.crd
distance DIST .atom_number1 .atom_number2 out ptraj.out

then you run ptraj:

>ptraj prmtop ptraj.inp

where prmtop is your topology file, ptraj.inp and the 3-line input file.

and here comes everything as python script, in case you want to do it
several times:
from sys import *
import commands
def ptraj_distance(f_top, f_crd, atom1, atom2):
    """call ptraj and dump 2 column list with frame
vs. interatom-distance"""
    # form ptraj input file
    ptraj_input = open('ptraj.inp','w')
    ptraj_input.write("""trajin %s
distance DIST .%d .%d out ptraj.out
""" % (f_crd, atom1, atom2))
        print 'calling ptraj...please wait'
        print commands.getoutput('ptraj %s ptraj.inp' % f_top)
        print commands.getoutput('rm ptraj.inp')
        print "Error while creating ptraj input file."
if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len (argv) < 5: # at least 4 arguments
        print """Syntax: mdist |prmtop| |mdcrd| |atom1| |atom2|"""
        ptraj_distance(argv[1], argv[2], int(argv[3]), int(argv[4]))
That's it. Just call it "python prmtop myMd.crd 23 195".


On Thu, 11 Apr 2002, Francois Dupradeau wrote:

|Dear All,
|I would like to follow distances between 2 atoms during MD runs. Which
|AMBER program should I use and could you give me advice on the
|corresponding input ?
|I would like to get y=f(x) data to display them in graphical program....
|Thanks, Regards, Francois

Raik Grünberg | Bioinformatique Structurale
                        | Institut Pasteur
                        | 25-28 rue du docteur Roux | 75015 Paris
Tel: +33/ | France
Received on Thu Apr 11 2002 - 05:49:16 PDT
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