Problem with atom type

From: <>
Date: Fri 29 Mar 2002 06:55:33 +0900

Dear Amber users,

I tried to neutralized the protein using counter ions in Leap AMBER 7, here is my
leap script,

source leaprc.ff99
set default PBradii bondi
loadOff Ca.Off
hcam = loadPdb hcam.H.pdb
addIons hcam Na+ 0
saveAmberParm hcam hcam.crd

from this step, I have no problem,the topology and coordinate file recorded
properly. However when I did minimization using sander, the atom type IP which
is correspond to the counter ion Na+ was not recognized. Here is my input file
the minimization:

  imin = 1, maxcyc = 500,
  ntb = 0, igb = 2, cut = 300.0,
  igb = 2, saltcon = 0.2, gbsa = 1,
  ntpr = 10, ntx = 1,
 restrained atoms
RES 1 148

What is wrong with above input file? How to make sander recognize those counter
ions? Any valuable input is welcome.
Thank in advance.


Laboratory of Biodynamics
Tokyo Insitute of Technology

Received on Thu Mar 28 2002 - 13:55:33 PST
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