I just want to add an uncertainty about the parameter sets: what happens
when I load parm94 and parm99 simultaneously under different names? Will
LEAP use the newer (more complete) version automatically? It does seem to
work this way but I'm not sure...
> > Can anyone let me know how to make parm98 (or anyother alternate
> > parm set) as the default one?
> ... "parm94 = loadamberparams parm99.dat"
> in the leaprc file does the trick
> (I know the naming is stupid ;-)
> regards
> andreas
> --
> )))))
> (((((
> ( O O )
> -------oOOO--(_)--OOOo----------------------------------------------------
> o Wolfgang Andreas Svrcek-Seiler
> o (godzilla)
> svrci_at_tbi.univie.ac.at
> .oooO Tel.:01-4277-52733
> ( ) Oooo.
> -------\
---( )--------------------------------------------------------
> \_) ) /
> (_/
Received on Mon Jan 21 2002 - 22:39:59 PST