Fumihito Mohri wrote:
> Dear Sir/Madam
> I have Gaussian98W. This program contains AMBER. Then,
> I have a question. Can AMBER be applied to searching
> conformations of many-atom-organic compounds?
> Best regards,
> MOHRI Fumihito
> Kaneka Corpolation, Japan
As far as I know, AMBER in Gaussian98 is not intended to
be used in "trivial" MM calculations, it is "attached" to the
ONIOM, IMOMO or IMOMM methods. For a start, it requires a
rather different input format from the regular AMBER program one
for coordinates, charges and topology (a rather cumbersome task
I should say).
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"There is no gene for the human spirit"
in Gattaca
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Elsa F. Sousa Henriques e-mail: eshenriq_at_fc.up.pt
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Received on Tue Dec 11 2001 - 10:34:24 PST