IMPORTANT Amber mail list announcement

From: jim caldwell <>
Date: Tue 30 Oct 2001 11:44:48 -0800 (PST)

Starting NOW only simple ascii messages will be distributed
to the Amber mail list.

Messages with attachments and/or composed in HTML will be stopped.

I realize this is a bit draconian but enough is enough.

This will not stop ascii spam, I'm not quite ready to go
to a fully moderated list.


James W. Caldwell (voice) 415-476-8603
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry (fax) 415-502-1411
Mail Stop 0446 (email)
513 Parnassus Avenue
University of California
San Francisco, CA 94143-0446
Received on Tue Oct 30 2001 - 11:44:48 PST
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