Wallclock on Intel/Linux sander

From: Jarrod Smith <jsmith_at_structbio.vanderbilt.edu>
Date: Tue 01 May 2001 14:48:36 -0500

I haven't been able to get the wallclock times to report correctly on
various Linux versions of sander. The most recent binary I've been using
was compiled with g77 (ver. 2.96 from a default RH 7.1 install) and mpipro.
The end of my output files always report zeros for the wallclock timings:

| Routine Sec %
| ----------------------------
| Nonbond 1445.29 94.57
| Bond 0.20 0.01
| Angle 2.33 0.15
| Dihedral 7.84 0.51
| Shake 13.84 0.91
| GBrad 0.00 0.00
| Force 0.00 0.00
| GBraddist 0.00 0.00
| F,Xdist 18.65 1.22
| Other 25.96 1.70
| ----------------------------
| Total 1528.35 0.42 Hours

| Nonsetup 1520.17 99.46%

| Highest rstack allocated: 1180103
| MAX_RSTACK = 1600000

| Highest istack allocated: 16985
| MAX_ISTACK = 100000

| Setup wallclock 0 seconds
| Nonsetup wallclock 0 seconds

Any idea on how to fix it?

Jarrod A. Smith
Research Asst. Professor, Biochemistry
Asst. Director, Center for Structural Biology
Computation and Molecular Graphics
Vanderbilt University
Received on Tue May 01 2001 - 12:48:36 PDT
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