Jarrod Smith wrote:
> Nathalie Godbout wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > There is a source code error in sander_classic that I've reported and
> > which is documented on the Amber web site:
> >
> > http://amber.ch.ic.ac.uk/bugfixes/6.0/bugfix.20
> >
> Nathalie,
> If we are running gibbs using shared memory parallel, should we
> compile it in a similar way as well, or is this only an issue with the
> qiktip.o object in sander_classic?
> Thanks,
> Jarrod A. Smith
> Research Asst. Professor, Biochemistry
> Asst. Director, Center for Structural Biology
> Computation and Molecular Graphics
> Vanderbilt University
> jsmith_at_structbio.vanderbilt.edu
Hi Jarrod,
Sorry for the delay, I had to check a few things in the source code. The
answer is it's only an issue with sander_classic. The subroutine qiktip
in gibbs is different to that in sander_classic. The bug is in the part
which is different. You would have noticed a problem because this bug
leads to `nan' energy values for parallel runs.
Nathalie Godbout, Ph.D. SGI
godbout_at_hudson.sgi.com Chemistry and Biology Applications Group
(781)839-2147 One Cabot Road, Suite 250
(978)562-7450 fax Hudson, MA
vnet:483-2147 01749, USA
Received on Fri Mar 23 2001 - 11:54:14 PST