On Thu, Mar 22, 2001, wentaofu wrote:
> Thank you for your pervious answer about compiling AMBER6.0 using MPICH.
> Since there is a bug on the sander_classic using MPICH, I am compiling
> AMBER6.0 on our SGI 2100 4 processor machine running IRIX6.5. We are using
> the shared memory "Machine.sgi" file to make it compiled with parallelism.
> But, when we test run sander_classic on the machine, we find it runs only on
> one processor even using "setenv MP_SET_NUMTHREADS 4". Is there anything we
> need to change on the Machine.sgi file to make it can be compiled with
> parallelism? Thanks!
I don't know of any reason why sander_classic should not run on multiple
processors when compiled with shared memory. I'm forwarding your question
to the amber mail-reflector: that's always the best place to ask questions
of this sort.
..regards...dave case
Received on Thu Mar 22 2001 - 14:11:32 PST