Amber Website - UK Mirror

From: Ross Walker <>
Date: Tue 6 Mar 2001 10:47:28 -0000

Dear all,

Since transatlantic connectivity is often flaky and slow I have, with the
blessing of the Amber people, set up UK mirrors of both the main Amber
website and the mailing list archive.

People based in Europe may find these sites quicker and more responsive than
the American based sites.

The addresses are as follows:

Main Amber Site =

Mailing List Archive =

I am responsible for maintaining the actual mirrors but not the website
content so any technical difficulties involving the mirrors should be
directed to me at while comments concerning the site
contents should be directed to the relevant authors.

Yours Faithfully
Ross Walker

|\oss Walker

| Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine |
| Department of Chemistry | Theoretical Division |
| Tel:- +44 207 59(45851) / +44 7958 970896 |
| EMail:- |
| PGP Key available on request |

Please note:
The above message is not necessarily the views of the author, Imperial
College or The Department of Chemistry. The author of this message accepts
no responsibility for any offence caused. If this message is forwarded to
anyone not on the original contact list then the responsibility lies solely
with the person forwarding the email and not with the author.
Received on Tue Mar 06 2001 - 02:47:28 PST
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