Re: installing AMBER on Linux

From: <>
Date: Thu 12 Oct 2000 11:24:10 +0200 (CEST)

You really _need_ make to get this working, there is no other alternative.
(or really really complicated). But, no problem GNU make is available as
installable rpm package, you can download it from , or one
of the mirror sites. You will also need a working version ig the gcc and
g77 packages. These are also free stuff. (look for the dev1 subdirectory
in the distribution. (these are basic developement stuff, you would also
find them on the RedHat evaluation CD).
I have copiled AMBER6 successfully on SuSE 6.2/6.4 systems.
good luck,

Gusztav SCHAY
PhD student
Semmelweis University Budapest
Dept. of Biophysics and Radiation Biology
Puskin u. 9.

phone: +36-1-2662755 #4033
fax: +36-1-2666656
Received on Thu Oct 12 2000 - 02:24:10 PDT
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