From: Craig Marhefka <>
Date: Thu 15 Jun 2000 15:01:02 -0500

There seems to be a flag for the &cmcmd namelist that has been left out of
the manual. IMCEW is a flag that is set in a number of the tests but isn't
described in the manual.

What does the IMCEW flag set?


Craig A. Marhefka
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Tennessee
847 Monroe Ave. Suite 327
Memphis, TN 38163
Lab: (901)448-7814
Office: (901)448-7530
Fax: (901)448-6828
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled,
but a fire to be lighted"

Author Unknown
Received on Thu Jun 15 2000 - 13:01:02 PDT
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