OWFEG and other AMBER 6.0 manual issues

From: CRAIG ANTHONY MARHEF <CMARHEFKA_at_utmem1.utmem.edu>
Date: Fri 11 Feb 2000 10:00:20 -0600 (CST)

The AMBER 6.0 manual for sander_classic says that the OWFEG method has been
implemented yet there is no section in the manual describing it's use.
Is OWFEG not implemented as of yet or is this an oversight in the

Is NSNB still an option in the 6.0 version of sander?

I assume that sander 6.0 does not include separate solute solvent temperature
coupling as in sander_classic. Is this true? If so then tautp is for the
system and not only the "SOLUTE" correct?

Thanks for clearing up these issues for the community of users.
Received on Fri Feb 11 2000 - 08:00:20 PST
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