Problems on Alpha: Too slow

From: Martin Cernohorsky <>
Date: Tue 21 Dec 1999 20:48:21 +0000

Dear Amberers,

we are compiling Amber 5.0 on the AlphaServer GS140 EV6/525 running
OSF1 V4.0. The compiler identifies itself as follows:

$ f77 -what
         DIGITAL Fortran 77 Driver V5.1-8
         DIGITAL Fortran 77 V5.1-156-3882K

The problem is that the code runs very slowly, approx. 6 times
slower than the R10k computers. Has anyone experienced this behavior?
Is this problem known? Are there ways to fix it?

Thanks in advance.

                                        Martin Cernohorsky

Martin Cernohorsky
Institute of Computer Science
Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Received on Tue Dec 21 1999 - 12:48:21 PST
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