
From: Krzysztof Murzyn <murzyn_at_mol.uj.edu.pl>
Date: Fri 12 Nov 1999 04:55:58 -0800

Dear AMBER users,
I would like to know what Machine file should I use to compile AMBER5 on
Compaq alpha DS10 running linux RedHat 5.2.
Thanks for the help,

Krzysztof Murzyn
Department of Biophysics
Institute of Molecular Biology
Jagiellonian University
Al. Mickiewicza 3
31-120 Krakow
tel   +(48-12)-634-13-55, ext. 213
fax   +(48-12)-633-69-07
email murzyn_at_mol.uj.edu.pl
Received on Fri Nov 12 1999 - 04:55:58 PST
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