[root@KWFPrimary cpptraj]# ./configure gnu The version of gcc is 8.5.0 Testing C++ compiler: OK Testing C compiler: OK Testing Fortran compiler: OK Testing basic C++11 support: OK Testing system headers for C++11 support: OK Checking BZLIB: OK Checking ZLIB: OK Checking NetCDF4/HDF5: Checking HDF5: Checking for bundled HDF5: Should CPPTRAJ attempt to build its own hdf5? {y|n}: y Downloading hdf5... --2025-01-04 18:36:41-- https://github.com/HDFGroup/hdf5/archive/refs/tags/hdf5-1_10_9.tar.gz Resolving github.com (github.com)... Connecting to github.com (github.com)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found Location: https://codeload.github.com/HDFGroup/hdf5/tar.gz/refs/tags/hdf5-1_10_9 [following] --2025-01-04 18:36:41-- https://codeload.github.com/HDFGroup/hdf5/tar.gz/refs/tags/hdf5-1_10_9 Resolving codeload.github.com (codeload.github.com)... Connecting to codeload.github.com (codeload.github.com)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: unspecified [application/x-gzip] Saving to: ‘hdf5-1_10_9.tar.gz’ hdf5-1_10_9.tar.gz [ <=> ] 13.53M 5.67MB/s in 2.4s 2025-01-04 18:36:44 (5.67 MB/s) - ‘hdf5-1_10_9.tar.gz’ saved [14185565] Unpacking hdf5... Configuring hdf5... Success. MAKE_COMMAND is not set; set to 'make -j128' Compiling hdf5 (may be time-consuming)... Success. Checking built HDF5: OK Checking NetCDF: Checking for bundled NetCDF: Setting MAKE_COMMAND to 'make -j1' to avoid NetCDF4/HDF5 race conditions. Should CPPTRAJ attempt to build its own netcdf? {y|n}: y Downloading netcdf... --2025-01-04 18:40:37-- https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/archive/refs/tags/v4.9.2.tar.gz Resolving github.com (github.com)... Connecting to github.com (github.com)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found Location: https://codeload.github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/tar.gz/refs/tags/v4.9.2 [following] --2025-01-04 18:40:38-- https://codeload.github.com/Unidata/netcdf-c/tar.gz/refs/tags/v4.9.2 Resolving codeload.github.com (codeload.github.com)... Connecting to codeload.github.com (codeload.github.com)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: unspecified [application/x-gzip] Saving to: ‘v4.9.2.tar.gz’ v4.9.2.tar.gz [ <=> ] 18.62M 3.86MB/s in 4.0s 2025-01-04 18:40:42 (4.61 MB/s) - ‘v4.9.2.tar.gz’ saved [19527342] Unpacking netcdf... Configuring netcdf... Success. Compiling netcdf (may be time-consuming)... Success. Checking built NetCDF: OK Checking LAPACK/BLAS: OK Checking FFTW3: OK Checking gnu RPATH type for libsander: OK Configuration summary: Build type: Serial Options: netcdf bzlib tng zlib arpack lapack blas fftw3 readline xdrfile hdf5 sanderlib Target platform: Linux, 64-bit. gnu compilers in use. C++11 support enabled. PME support enabled. Compiler optimizations are on. Cleaning source directory. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An environment resource file for CPPTRAJ has been created: /work/cpptraj/cpptraj.sh You may 'source' this file to set up your environment for CPPTRAJ. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPPTRAJ configuration complete. [root@KWFPrimary cpptraj]# make install cd src && make install make[1]: Entering directory '/work/cpptraj/src' CXX SpaceGroup.cpp CXX ActionFrameCounter.cpp CXX ActionList.cpp CXX ActionTopWriter.cpp CXX Action_AddAtom.cpp CXX Action_Align.cpp CXX Action_Angle.cpp CXX Action_AreaPerMol.cpp CXX Action_AtomMap.cpp CXX Action_AtomicCorr.cpp CXX Action_AtomicFluct.cpp CXX Action_AutoImage.cpp CXX Action_Average.cpp CXX Action_AvgBox.cpp CXX Action_Bounds.cpp CXX Action_Box.cpp CXX Action_Center.cpp CXX Action_Channel.cpp CXX Action_CheckChirality.cpp CXX Action_CheckStructure.cpp CXX Action_Closest.cpp CXX Action_ClusterDihedral.cpp CXX Action_Contacts.cpp CXX Action_ConvertToFrac.cpp CXX Action_CreateCrd.cpp CXX Action_CreateReservoir.cpp CXX Action_DNAionTracker.cpp CXX Action_DSSP.cpp CXX Action_Density.cpp CXX Action_Diffusion.cpp CXX Action_Dihedral.cpp CXX Action_DihedralRMS.cpp CXX Action_Dipole.cpp CXX Action_Distance.cpp CXX Action_DistRmsd.cpp CXX Action_EneDecomp.cpp CXX Action_Energy.cpp CXX Action_FilterByData.cpp CXX Action_FixAtomOrder.cpp CXX Action_FixImagedBonds.cpp CXX Action_GIST.cpp CXX Action_Grid.cpp CXX Action_GridFreeEnergy.cpp CXX Action_HydrogenBond.cpp CXX Action_Image.cpp CXX Action_InfraredSpectrum.cpp CXX Action_Jcoupling.cpp CXX Action_Keep.cpp CXX Action_LESsplit.cpp CXX Action_LIE.cpp CXX Action_LipidOrder.cpp CXX Action_MakeStructure.cpp CXX Action_Mask.cpp CXX Action_Matrix.cpp CXX Action_MinMaxDist.cpp CXX Action_MinImage.cpp CXX Action_Molsurf.cpp CXX Action_MultiDihedral.cpp CXX Action_MultiPucker.cpp CXX Action_MultiVector.cpp CXX Action_NAstruct.cpp CXX Action_NativeContacts.cpp CXX Action_NMRrst.cpp CXX Action_OrderParameter.cpp CXX Action_Outtraj.cpp CXX Action_PairDist.cpp CXX Action_Pairwise.cpp CXX Action_Principal.cpp CXX Action_Projection.cpp CXX Action_Pucker.cpp CXX Action_Radgyr.cpp CXX Action_Radial.cpp CXX Action_RandomizeIons.cpp CXX Action_Remap.cpp CXX Action_ReplicateCell.cpp CXX Action_Rmsd.cpp CXX Action_Rotate.cpp CXX Action_RunningAvg.cpp CXX Action_STFC_Diffusion.cpp CXX Action_Scale.cpp CXX Action_SetVelocity.cpp CXX Action_Spam.cpp CXX Action_Strip.cpp CXX Action_Surf.cpp CXX Action_SymmetricRmsd.cpp CXX Action_Temperature.cpp CXX Action_Test.cpp CXX Action_Time.cpp CXX Action_ToroidalDiffusion.cpp CXX Action_Translate.cpp CXX Action_Unstrip.cpp CXX Action_Unwrap.cpp CXX Action_Vector.cpp CXX Action_VelocityAutoCorr.cpp CXX Action_Volmap.cpp CXX Action_Volume.cpp CXX Action_Watershell.cpp CXX Action_XtalSymm.cpp CXX AnalysisList.cpp CXX Analysis_AmdBias.cpp CXX Analysis_AutoCorr.cpp CXX Analysis_Average.cpp CXX Analysis_CalcDiffusion.cpp CXX Analysis_Clustering.cpp CXX Analysis_Corr.cpp CXX Analysis_ConstantPHStats.cpp CXX Analysis_CrankShaft.cpp CXX Analysis_CrdFluct.cpp CXX Analysis_CrossCorr.cpp CXX Analysis_CurveFit.cpp CXX Analysis_Divergence.cpp CXX Analysis_EvalPlateau.cpp CXX Analysis_FFT.cpp CXX Analysis_HausdorffDistance.cpp CXX Analysis_Hist.cpp CXX Analysis_Integrate.cpp CXX Analysis_IRED.cpp CXX Analysis_KDE.cpp CXX Analysis_Lifetime.cpp CXX Analysis_LowestCurve.cpp CXX Analysis_Matrix.cpp CXX Analysis_MeltCurve.cpp CXX Analysis_Modes.cpp CXX Analysis_Multicurve.cpp CXX Analysis_MultiHist.cpp CXX Analysis_Overlap.cpp CXX Analysis_PhiPsi.cpp CXX Analysis_Project.cpp CXX Analysis_Regression.cpp CXX Analysis_RemLog.cpp CXX Analysis_Rms2d.cpp CXX Analysis_RmsAvgCorr.cpp CXX Analysis_Rotdif.cpp CXX Analysis_RunningAvg.cpp CXX Analysis_Slope.cpp CXX Analysis_Spline.cpp CXX Analysis_State.cpp CXX Analysis_Statistics.cpp CXX Analysis_TI.cpp CXX Analysis_TICA.cpp CXX Analysis_Timecorr.cpp CXX Analysis_VectorMath.cpp CXX Analysis_Wavelet.cpp CXX ArgList.cpp CXX Array1D.cpp CXX AssociatedData_Connect.cpp CXX AssociatedData_NOE.cpp CXX Atom.cpp CXX AtomMap.cpp CXX AtomMask.cpp CXX AxisType.cpp CXX BondSearch.cpp CXX Box.cpp CXX BoxArgs.cpp CXX BufferedFrame.cpp CXX BufferedLine.cpp CXX ByteRoutines.cpp CXX CharMask.cpp CXX CharmmParamFile.cpp CXX CIFfile.cpp CXX ClusterMap.cpp CXX Cmd.cpp CXX CmdInput.cpp CXX CmdList.cpp CXX CompactFrameArray.cpp CXX ComplexArray.cpp CXX Constraints.cpp CXX ControlBlock_For.cpp CXX CoordCovarMatrix.cpp CXX CoordCovarMatrix_Full.cpp CXX CoordCovarMatrix_Half.cpp CXX CoordinateInfo.cpp CXX Corr.cpp CXX Cph.cpp CXX CpptrajFile.cpp CXX CpptrajState.cpp CXX CpptrajStdio.cpp CXX CurveFit.cpp CXX DataFile.cpp CXX DataFileList.cpp CXX DataFilter.cpp CXX DataIO.cpp CXX DataIO_AmberEne.cpp CXX DataIO_AmberLib.cpp CXX DataIO_AmberPrep.cpp CXX DataIO_CCP4.cpp CXX DataIO_CharmmFastRep.cpp CXX DataIO_CharmmOutput.cpp CXX DataIO_CharmmRepLog.cpp CXX DataIO_CharmmRtfPrm.cpp CXX DataIO_Cmatrix_Binary.cpp CXX DataIO_Cmatrix_NC.cpp CXX DataIO_Cpout.cpp CXX DataIO_Evecs.cpp CXX DataIO_Gnuplot.cpp CXX DataIO_Grace.cpp CXX DataIO_OpenDx.cpp CXX DataIO_Peaks.cpp CXX DataIO_Mdout.cpp CXX DataIO_NetCDF.cpp CXX DataIO_Numpy.cpp CXX DataIO_RemLog.cpp CXX DataIO_Std.cpp CXX DataIO_VecTraj.cpp CXX DataIO_Xplor.cpp CXX DataIO_XVG.cpp CXX DataSet.cpp CXX DataSetList.cpp CXX DataSet_1D.cpp CXX DataSet_2D.cpp CXX DataSet_3D.cpp CXX DataSet_Coords.cpp CXX DataSet_Coords_CRD.cpp CXX DataSet_Coords_FRM.cpp CXX DataSet_Coords_REF.cpp CXX DataSet_Coords_TRJ.cpp CXX DataSet_GridDbl.cpp CXX DataSet_GridFlt.cpp CXX DataSet_Mat3x3.cpp CXX DataSet_MatrixDbl.cpp CXX DataSet_MatrixFlt.cpp CXX DataSet_Mesh.cpp CXX DataSet_Modes.cpp CXX DataSet_PairwiseCache.cpp CXX DataSet_PairwiseCache_MEM.cpp CXX DataSet_PairwiseCache_NC.cpp CXX DataSet_Parameters.cpp CXX DataSet_pH.cpp CXX DataSet_PHREMD_Explicit.cpp CXX DataSet_PHREMD_Implicit.cpp CXX DataSet_RemLog.cpp CXX DataSet_Topology.cpp CXX DataSet_Vector.cpp CXX DataSet_Vector_Scalar.cpp CXX DataSet_double.cpp CXX DataSet_float.cpp CXX DataSet_integer_disk.cpp CXX DataSet_integer_mem.cpp CXX DataSet_string.cpp CXX DataSet_StringVar.cpp CXX DataSet_Tensor.cpp CXX DataSet_unsignedInt.cpp CXX DataSet_Zmatrix.cpp CXX Deprecated.cpp CXX DihedralSearch.cpp CXX DiffusionResults.cpp CXX DistRoutines.cpp CXX Dist_Imaged.cpp CXX Energy.cpp CXX EnergyArray.cpp CXX EnsembleIn.cpp CXX EnsembleIn_Multi.cpp CXX EnsembleIn_Single.cpp CXX EnsembleNavigator.cpp CXX EnsembleOut.cpp CXX EnsembleOut_Multi.cpp CXX EnsembleOut_Single.cpp CXX EnsembleOutList.cpp CXX EwaldOptions.cpp CXX ExclusionArray.cpp CXX Exec_AddMissingRes.cpp CXX Exec_Analyze.cpp CXX Exec_Calc.cpp CXX Exec_CatCrd.cpp CXX Exec_Change.cpp CXX Exec_ClusterMap.cpp CXX Exec_CombineCoords.cpp CXX Exec_Commands.cpp CXX Exec_CompareClusters.cpp CXX Exec_CompareEnergy.cpp CXX Exec_CompareTop.cpp CXX Exec_CrdAction.cpp CXX Exec_CrdOut.cpp CXX Exec_CrdTransform.cpp CXX Exec_CreateSet.cpp CXX Exec_DataFile.cpp CXX Exec_DataFilter.cpp CXX Exec_DataSetCmd.cpp CXX Exec_Emin.cpp CXX Exec_ExtendedComparison.cpp CXX Exec_Flatten.cpp CXX Exec_GenerateAmberRst.cpp CXX Exec_Graft.cpp CXX Exec_Help.cpp CXX Exec_HmassRepartition.cpp CXX Exec_LoadCrd.cpp CXX Exec_LoadTraj.cpp CXX Exec_ParallelAnalysis.cpp CXX Exec_ParmBox.cpp CXX Exec_ParmSolvent.cpp CXX Exec_ParmStrip.cpp CXX Exec_ParmWrite.cpp CXX Exec_ParseTiming.cpp CXX Exec_PermuteDihedrals.cpp CXX Exec_Precision.cpp CXX Exec_PrepareForLeap.cpp CXX Exec_PrintData.cpp CXX Exec_Random.cpp CXX Exec_ReadData.cpp CXX Exec_ReadEnsembleData.cpp CXX Exec_ReadInput.cpp CXX Exec_RotateDihedral.cpp CXX Exec_RunAnalysis.cpp CXX Exec_ScaleDihedralK.cpp CXX Exec_Set.cpp CXX Exec_Sequence.cpp CXX Exec_SequenceAlign.cpp CXX Exec_Show.cpp CXX Exec_SortEnsembleData.cpp CXX Exec_SplitCoords.cpp CXX Exec_System.cpp CXX Exec_Top.cpp CXX Exec_Traj.cpp CXX Exec_UpdateParameters.cpp CXX Exec_ViewRst.cpp CXX Exec_Zmatrix.cpp CXX ExtendedSimilarity.cpp CXX File_TempName.cpp CXX FileIO_Bzip2.cpp CXX FileIO_Gzip.cpp CXX FileIO_Mpi.cpp CXX FileIO_MpiShared.cpp CXX FileIO_Std.cpp CXX FileName.cpp CXX FileType.cpp CXX FileTypes.cpp CXX ForLoop.cpp CXX ForLoop_dataSetBlocks.cpp CXX ForLoop_inData.cpp CXX ForLoop_integer.cpp CXX ForLoop_list.cpp CXX ForLoop_mask.cpp CXX ForLoop_overSets.cpp CXX Frame.cpp CXX GistEntropyUtils.cpp CXX GIST_PME.cpp CXX Gpu.cpp CXX GridAction.cpp CXX GridMover.cpp CXX GridBin.cpp CXX HistBin.cpp CXX Hungarian.cpp CXX ImageRoutines.cpp CXX Image_List_Mask.cpp CXX Image_List_Pair.cpp CXX Image_List_Unit.cpp CXX InteractionData.cpp CXX InputTrajCommon.cpp CXX KDE.cpp CXX LeapInterface.cpp CXX MapAtom.cpp CXX MaskArray.cpp CXX MaskToken.cpp CXX Matrix_3x3.cpp CXX MdOpts.cpp CXX MetaData.cpp CXX Minimize_SteepestDescent.cpp CXX Mol.cpp CXX Mol2File.cpp CXX NameType.cpp CXX NC_Routines.cpp CXX NDiff.cpp CXX NetcdfFile.cpp CXX OMM_helpers.cpp CXX OutputTrajCommon.cpp CXX ParameterSet.cpp CXX PDBfile.cpp CXX PairList.cpp CXX Parallel.cpp CXX ParallelNetcdf.cpp CXX ParallelSetFrameNum.cpp CXX ParmFile.cpp CXX Parm_Amber.cpp CXX Parm_CharmmPsf.cpp CXX Parm_CIF.cpp CXX Parm_Gromacs.cpp CXX Parm_Mol2.cpp CXX Parm_PDB.cpp CXX Parm_SDF.cpp CXX Parm_Tinker.cpp CXX PotentialFunction.cpp CXX PotentialTerm.cpp CXX PotentialTerm_Angle.cpp CXX PotentialTerm_Bond.cpp CXX PotentialTerm_Dihedral.cpp CXX PotentialTerm_LJ_Coulomb.cpp CXX PotentialTerm_OpenMM.cpp CXX ProgressBar.cpp CXX ProgressTimer.cpp CXX PubFFT.cpp CXX qcprot.cpp CXX QuaternionRMSD.cpp CXX Pucker_PuckerMask.cpp CXX Pucker_PuckerSearch.cpp CXX Pucker_PuckerToken.cpp CXX ExternalFxn.cpp CXX Random.cpp CXX Range.cpp CXX RNG.cpp CXX RNG_Marsaglia.cpp CXX RNG_MersenneTwister.cpp CXX RNG_PCG32.cpp CXX RNG_Stdlib.cpp CXX RNG_Xoshiro128pp.cpp CXX RPNcalc.cpp CXX ReferenceAction.cpp CXX RemdReservoirNC.cpp CXX Residue.cpp CXX SDFfile.cpp CXX SimplexMin.cpp CXX Spline.cpp CXX SplineFxnTable.cpp CXX Stats_Reduce.cpp CXX StringRoutines.cpp CXX StructureCheck.cpp CXX StructureMapper.cpp CXX SymmetricRmsdCalc.cpp CXX TextBlockBuffer.cpp CXX TextFormat.cpp CXX Timer.cpp CXX TinkerFile.cpp CXX TopInfo.cpp CXX Topology.cpp CXX TorsionRoutines.cpp CXX Traj_AmberCoord.cpp CXX Traj_AmberNetcdf.cpp CXX Traj_AmberRestart.cpp CXX Traj_AmberRestartNC.cpp CXX Traj_Binpos.cpp CXX Traj_CharmmCor.cpp CXX Traj_CharmmDcd.cpp CXX Traj_CharmmRestart.cpp CXX Traj_CIF.cpp CXX Traj_Conflib.cpp CXX Traj_DTR.cpp CXX Traj_GmxDump.cpp CXX Traj_GmxTng.cpp CXX Traj_GmxTrX.cpp CXX Traj_GmxXtc.cpp CXX Traj_Gro.cpp CXX Traj_H5.cpp CXX Traj_H5MD.cpp CXX Traj_Mol2File.cpp CXX Traj_NcEnsemble.cpp CXX Traj_PDBfile.cpp CXX Traj_SDF.cpp CXX Traj_SQM.cpp CXX Traj_Tinker.cpp CXX Traj_XYZ.cpp CXX TrajectoryFile.cpp CXX TrajectoryIO.cpp CXX TrajFrameCounter.cpp CXX TrajinList.cpp CXX Trajin_Multi.cpp CXX Trajin_Single.cpp CXX TrajIOarray.cpp CXX Trajout_Single.cpp CXX TrajoutList.cpp CXX Units.cpp CXX Vec3.cpp CXX ViewRst.cpp CXX vmdplugin/dtrplugin.cpp In file included from vmdplugin/dtrplugin.cpp:65: vmdplugin/vmddir.h:146:12: warning: ‘int vmd_file_is_executable(const char*)’ defined but not used [-Wunused-function] static int vmd_file_is_executable(const char * filename) { ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CXX xoshiro128plusplus.cpp xoshiro128plusplus.cpp: In function ‘void jump()’: xoshiro128plusplus.cpp:60:19: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: ‘int’ and ‘long unsigned int’ [-Wsign-compare] for(int i = 0; i < sizeof JUMP / sizeof *JUMP; i++) ~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ xoshiro128plusplus.cpp: In function ‘void long_jump()’: xoshiro128plusplus.cpp:90:19: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: ‘int’ and ‘long unsigned int’ [-Wsign-compare] for(int i = 0; i < sizeof LONG_JUMP / sizeof *LONG_JUMP; i++) ~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CXX Action_Esander.cpp CXX Command.cpp CXX Cpptraj.cpp CXX Energy_Sander.cpp CXX ReadLine.cpp CXX main.cpp CC molsurf.c CXX Cluster/Algorithm.cpp CXX Cluster/Algorithm_DBscan.cpp CXX Cluster/Algorithm_DPeaks.cpp CXX Cluster/Algorithm_HierAgglo.cpp CXX Cluster/Algorithm_Kmeans.cpp CXX Cluster/BestReps.cpp CXX Cluster/CentroidArray.cpp CXX Cluster/Centroid_Coord.cpp CXX Cluster/Cframes.cpp CXX Cluster/Cmatrix_Binary.cpp CXX Cluster/Cmatrix_NC.cpp CXX Cluster/Control.cpp CXX Cluster/DBI.cpp CXX Cluster/DrawGraph.cpp CXX Cluster/DynamicMatrix.cpp CXX Cluster/List.cpp CXX Cluster/MetricArray.cpp CXX Cluster/Metric_DME.cpp CXX Cluster/Metric_Matrix2D.cpp CXX Cluster/Metric_QuatRMSD.cpp CXX Cluster/Metric_RMS.cpp CXX Cluster/Metric_SRMSD.cpp CXX Cluster/Metric_Scalar.cpp CXX Cluster/Metric_Torsion.cpp CXX Cluster/Node.cpp CXX Cluster/Output.cpp CXX Cluster/PseudoF.cpp CXX Cluster/Results_Coords.cpp CXX Cluster/Sieve.cpp CXX Cluster/Silhouette.cpp CXX Structure/Builder.cpp CXX Structure/Chirality.cpp CXX Structure/Disulfide.cpp CXX Structure/FunctionalGroup.cpp CXX Structure/FxnGroupBuilder.cpp CXX Structure/HisProt.cpp CXX Structure/InternalCoords.cpp CXX Structure/Model.cpp CXX Structure/StructureEnum.cpp CXX Structure/StructureRoutines.cpp CXX Structure/SugarBuilder.cpp CXX Structure/Sugar.cpp CXX Structure/SugarLinkAtoms.cpp CXX Structure/SugarToken.cpp CXX Structure/Zmatrix.cpp CXX Energy/Ecalc_Nonbond.cpp CXX Energy/EnergyDecomposer.cpp CXX Energy/ErfcFxn.cpp CXX Energy/EwaldCalc_Decomp_LJPME.cpp CXX Energy/EwaldCalc_Decomp_PME.cpp CXX Energy/EwaldCalc_LJPME.cpp CXX Energy/EwaldCalc_PME.cpp CXX Energy/EwaldCalc_Regular.cpp CXX Energy/EwaldParams.cpp CXX Energy/EwaldParams_LJPME.cpp CXX Energy/Ewald_Recip.cpp CXX Energy/PME_Recip.cpp CXX Energy/PME_RecipParams.cpp CXX Energy/VDW_LongRange_Correction.cpp cd readline && make all make[2]: Entering directory '/work/cpptraj/src/readline' [READLINE] CC bind.c bind.c: In function ‘rl_translate_keyseq’: bind.c:445:19: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] for (i = l = 0; c = seq[i]; i++) ^ bind.c: In function ‘rl_parse_and_bind’: bind.c:1197:19: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] for (i = 1; c = string[i]; i++) ^ bind.c:1288:23: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] for (passc = 0; c = string[i]; i++) ^ bind.c: In function ‘rl_function_dumper’: bind.c:2060:15: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] for (i = 0; name = names[i]; i++) ^~~~ [READLINE] CC callback.c [READLINE] CC compat.c [READLINE] CC complete.c complete.c: In function ‘fnwidth’: complete.c:604:12: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘wcwidth’; did you mean ‘fnwidth’? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] w = wcwidth (wc); ^~~~~~~ fnwidth complete.c: In function ‘_rl_find_completion_word’: complete.c:886:14: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] while (rl_point = MB_PREVCHAR (rl_line_buffer, rl_point, MB_FIND_ANY)) ^~~~~~~~ complete.c: In function ‘rl_completion_matches’: complete.c:1805:10: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] while (string = (*entry_function) (text, matches)) ^~~~~~ complete.c: In function ‘rl_username_completion_function’: complete.c:1856:10: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] while (entry = getpwent ()) ^~~~~ [READLINE] CC display.c display.c: In function ‘rl_redisplay’: display.c:714:15: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘wcwidth’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] temp = wcwidth (wc); ^~~~~~~ display.c:558:7: warning: ‘strncpy’ output truncated before terminating nul copying as many bytes from a string as its length [-Wstringop-truncation] strncpy (line + out, prompt_this_line, pmtlen); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ display.c:550:40: note: length computed here prompt_physical_chars = pmtlen = strlen (prompt_this_line); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ display.c:829:8: warning: ‘wc_width’ may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] for (i = 0; i < wc_width; i++) ^~~ display.c:462:38: warning: ‘n0’ may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] int newlines, lpos, temp, modmark, n0, num; ^~ [READLINE] CC funmap.c [READLINE] CC histexpand.c histexpand.c: In function ‘get_history_event’: histexpand.c:206:25: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] for (local_index = i; c = string[i]; i++) ^ histexpand.c: In function ‘history_expand_internal’: histexpand.c:696:41: warning: variable ‘ws’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] int delimiter, failed, si, l_temp, ws, we; ^~ [READLINE] CC histfile.c [READLINE] CC history.c [READLINE] CC histsearch.c [READLINE] CC input.c input.c: In function ‘rl_read_key’: input.c:423:11: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if (c = _rl_next_macro_key ()) ^ [READLINE] CC isearch.c isearch.c: In function ‘rl_search_history’: isearch.c:620:7: warning: variable ‘c’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] int c, r; ^ isearch.c: In function ‘_rl_isearch_callback’: isearch.c:658:7: warning: variable ‘c’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] int c, r; ^ [READLINE] CC keymaps.c [READLINE] CC kill.c [READLINE] CC macro.c [READLINE] CC mbutil.c mbutil.c: In function ‘_rl_find_next_mbchar_internal’: mbutil.c:118:12: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘wcwidth’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] if (wcwidth (wc) == 0) ^~~~~~~ [READLINE] CC misc.c [READLINE] CC nls.c [READLINE] CC parens.c parens.c: In function ‘rl_insert_close’: parens.c:118:36: warning: variable ‘ready’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] int orig_point, match_point, ready; ^~~~~ [READLINE] CC readline.c readline.c: In function ‘readline_internal_char’: readline.c:450:21: warning: variable ‘eof_found’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] static int lastc, eof_found; ^~~~~~~~~ At top level: readline.c:1078:1: warning: ‘reset_default_bindings’ defined but not used [-Wunused-function] reset_default_bindings () ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [READLINE] CC rltty.c [READLINE] CC savestring.c [READLINE] CC search.c [READLINE] CC shell.c [READLINE] CC signals.c [READLINE] CC termcap.c [READLINE] CC terminal.c [READLINE] CC text.c text.c: In function ‘_rl_overwrite_char’: text.c:814:7: warning: variable ‘k’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable] int k; ^ text.c: In function ‘rl_insert_text’: text.c:94:3: warning: ‘strncpy’ output truncated before terminating nul copying as many bytes from a string as its length [-Wstringop-truncation] strncpy (rl_line_buffer + rl_point, string, l); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ text.c:85:29: note: length computed here l = (string && *string) ? strlen (string) : 0; ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [READLINE] CC tilde.c tilde.c: In function ‘tilde_expand’: tilde.c:199:7: warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses] if (result = strchr (string, '~')) ^~~~~~ [READLINE] CC tparam.c [READLINE] CC undo.c undo.c: In function ‘_rl_copy_undo_list’: undo.c:157:16: warning: ‘roving’ may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] roving->next = 0; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~ [READLINE] CC util.c [READLINE] CC version.c version.c:2:14: warning: ‘version_string’ defined but not used [-Wunused-variable] static char *version_string = "\n$Version: GNU termcap 1.3.1 $\n"; ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [READLINE] CC vi_mode.c [READLINE] CC xmalloc.c /bin/rm -f libreadline.a ar cqs libreadline.a bind.o callback.o compat.o complete.o display.o funmap.o histexpand.o histfile.o history.o histsearch.o input.o isearch.o keymaps.o kill.o macro.o mbutil.o misc.o nls.o parens.o readline.o rltty.o savestring.o search.o shell.o signals.o termcap.o terminal.o text.o tilde.o tparam.o undo.o util.o version.o vi_mode.o xmalloc.o make[2]: Leaving directory '/work/cpptraj/src/readline' cd xdrfile && make all make[2]: Entering directory '/work/cpptraj/src/xdrfile' [XDRFILE] CC xdrfile.c [XDRFILE] CC xdr_seek.c [XDRFILE] CC xdrfile_trr.c [XDRFILE] CC xdrfile_xtc.c /bin/rm -f libxdrfile.a ar cqs libxdrfile.a xdrfile.o xdr_seek.o xdrfile_trr.o xdrfile_xtc.o make[2]: Leaving directory '/work/cpptraj/src/xdrfile' cd arpack && make install make[2]: Entering directory '/work/cpptraj/src/arpack' [ARPACK] FC ivout.f [ARPACK] FC dvout.f [ARPACK] FC dgetv0.f dgetv0.f:120:26: & ( ido, bmat, itry, initv, n, j, v, ldv, resid, rnorm, 1 Warning: Unused dummy argument ‘itry’ at (1) [-Wunused-dummy-argument] stat.h:8:35: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t4’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:39: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t5’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] [ARPACK] FC dlaqrb.f dlaqrb.f:495:0: if( i2.gt.i ) Warning: ‘i2’ may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized] [ARPACK] FC dnaitr.f dnaitr.f:210:33: & (ido, bmat, n, k, np, nb, resid, rnorm, v, ldv, h, ldh, 1 Warning: Unused dummy argument ‘nb’ at (1) [-Wunused-dummy-argument] [ARPACK] FC dnapps.f stat.h:8:27: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t2’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:31: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t3’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:35: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t4’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:39: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t5’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] [ARPACK] FC dnaup2.f dnaup2.f:316:5: 10 continue 1 Warning: Label 10 at (1) defined but not used [-Wunused-label] dnaup2.f:175:63: & ( ido, bmat, n, which, nev, np, tol, resid, mode, iupd, 1 Warning: Unused dummy argument ‘iupd’ at (1) [-Wunused-dummy-argument] stat.h:8:35: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t4’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:39: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t5’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] [ARPACK] FC dnaupd.f dnaupd.f:541:24: if (nb .le. 0) nb = 1 1 Warning: Nonconforming tab character at (1) [-Wtabs] dnaupd.f:542:28: if (tol .le. zero) tol = dlamch('EpsMach') 1 Warning: Nonconforming tab character at (1) [-Wtabs] dnaupd.f:447:32: & ldh, ldq, levec, mode, msglvl, mxiter, nb, 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘levec’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:27: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t2’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:31: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t3’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:35: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t4’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:39: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t5’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] [ARPACK] FC dnconv.f stat.h:8:27: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t2’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:31: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t3’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:35: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t4’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:39: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t5’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] [ARPACK] FC dneigh.f stat.h:8:27: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t2’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:31: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t3’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:35: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t4’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:39: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t5’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] [ARPACK] FC dmout.f [ARPACK] FC dneupd.f dneupd.f:587:17: jj = workl(bounds + ncv - j) 1 Warning: Possible change of value in conversion from REAL(8) to INTEGER(4) at (1) [-Wconversion] stat.h:8:19: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t0’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:23: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t1’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:27: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t2’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:31: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t3’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:35: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t4’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:39: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t5’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] [ARPACK] FC dngets.f dngets.f:96:40: & shiftr, shifti ) 1 Warning: Unused dummy argument ‘shifti’ at (1) [-Wunused-dummy-argument] dngets.f:96:32: & shiftr, shifti ) 1 Warning: Unused dummy argument ‘shiftr’ at (1) [-Wunused-dummy-argument] stat.h:8:27: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t2’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:31: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t3’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:35: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t4’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:39: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t5’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] [ARPACK] FC dsaitr.f [ARPACK] FC dsapps.f stat.h:8:27: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t2’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:31: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t3’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:35: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t4’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:39: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t5’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] [ARPACK] FC dsaup2.f dsaup2.f:809:5: 130 continue 1 Warning: Label 130 at (1) defined but not used [-Wunused-label] dsaup2.f:324:5: 10 continue 1 Warning: Label 10 at (1) defined but not used [-Wunused-label] dsaup2.f:180:63: & ( ido, bmat, n, which, nev, np, tol, resid, mode, iupd, 1 Warning: Unused dummy argument ‘iupd’ at (1) [-Wunused-dummy-argument] stat.h:8:35: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t4’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:39: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t5’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] [ARPACK] FC dsaupd.f stat.h:8:27: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t2’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:31: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t3’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:35: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t4’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:39: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t5’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] [ARPACK] FC dsconv.f stat.h:8:27: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t2’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:31: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t3’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:35: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t4’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:39: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t5’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] [ARPACK] FC dseigt.f dseigt.f:124:18: integer i, k, msglvl 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘i’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:27: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t2’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:31: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t3’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:35: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t4’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:39: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t5’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] [ARPACK] FC dsesrt.f [ARPACK] FC dseupd.f dseupd.f:499:17: jj = workl(bounds + ncv - j) 1 Warning: Possible change of value in conversion from REAL(8) to INTEGER(4) at (1) [-Wconversion] stat.h:8:19: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t0’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:23: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t1’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:27: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t2’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:31: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t3’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:35: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t4’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:39: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t5’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] [ARPACK] FC dsgets.f stat.h:8:27: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t2’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:31: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t3’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:35: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t4’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:39: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t5’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] [ARPACK] FC dsortc.f [ARPACK] FC dsortr.f [ARPACK] FC dstatn.f stat.h:8:19: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t0’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:23: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t1’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:27: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t2’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:31: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t3’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:35: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t4’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:39: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t5’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] [ARPACK] FC dstats.f stat.h:8:19: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t0’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:23: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t1’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:27: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t2’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:31: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t3’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:35: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t4’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] stat.h:8:39: real t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘t5’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] [ARPACK] FC dstqrb.f [ARPACK] FC arsecond.f arsecond.f:27:30: REAL ETIME 1 Warning: Unused variable ‘etime’ declared at (1) [-Wunused-variable] /bin/rm -f libarpack.a ar rv libarpack.a ivout.o dvout.o dgetv0.o dlaqrb.o dnaitr.o dnapps.o dnaup2.o dnaupd.o dnconv.o dneigh.o dmout.o dneupd.o dngets.o dsaitr.o dsapps.o dsaup2.o dsaupd.o dsconv.o dseigt.o dsesrt.o dseupd.o dsgets.o dsortc.o dsortr.o dstatn.o dstats.o dstqrb.o arsecond.o ar: creating libarpack.a a - ivout.o a - dvout.o a - dgetv0.o a - dlaqrb.o a - dnaitr.o a - dnapps.o a - dnaup2.o a - dnaupd.o a - dnconv.o a - dneigh.o a - dmout.o a - dneupd.o a - dngets.o a - dsaitr.o a - dsapps.o a - dsaup2.o a - dsaupd.o a - dsconv.o a - dseigt.o a - dsesrt.o a - dseupd.o a - dsgets.o a - dsortc.o a - dsortr.o a - dstatn.o a - dstats.o a - dstqrb.o a - arsecond.o ranlib libarpack.a make[2]: Leaving directory '/work/cpptraj/src/arpack' cd tng && make all make[2]: Entering directory '/work/cpptraj/src/tng' [TNG] CC md5.c [TNG] CC tng_io.c tng_io.c:16: warning: "_LARGEFILE_SOURCE" redefined #define _LARGEFILE_SOURCE : note: this is the location of the previous definition In function ‘tng_gen_data_block_add.constprop’, inlined from ‘tng_data_block_add.constprop’ at tng_io.c:12788:12: tng_io.c:12600:9: warning: ‘strncpy’ specified bound depends on the length of the source argument [-Wstringop-overflow=] strncpy(data->block_name, block_name, strlen(block_name) + 1); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tng_io.c: In function ‘tng_data_block_add.constprop’: tng_io.c:12600:47: note: length computed here strncpy(data->block_name, block_name, strlen(block_name) + 1); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In function ‘tng_gen_data_block_add.constprop’, inlined from ‘tng_data_block_add’ at tng_io.c:12788:12: tng_io.c:12600:9: warning: ‘strncpy’ specified bound depends on the length of the source argument [-Wstringop-overflow=] strncpy(data->block_name, block_name, strlen(block_name) + 1); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tng_io.c: In function ‘tng_data_block_add’: tng_io.c:12600:47: note: length computed here strncpy(data->block_name, block_name, strlen(block_name) + 1); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In function ‘tng_gen_data_block_add’, inlined from ‘tng_particle_data_block_add’ at tng_io.c:12813:12: tng_io.c:12600:9: warning: ‘strncpy’ specified bound depends on the length of the source argument [-Wstringop-overflow=] strncpy(data->block_name, block_name, strlen(block_name) + 1); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tng_io.c: In function ‘tng_particle_data_block_add’: tng_io.c:12600:47: note: length computed here strncpy(data->block_name, block_name, strlen(block_name) + 1); ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [TNG] CC tng_compress.c [TNG] CC coder.c [TNG] CC warnmalloc.c [TNG] CC fixpoint.c [TNG] CC xtc3.c [TNG] CC bwlzh.c [TNG] CC xtc2.c [TNG] CC widemuldiv.c [TNG] CC huffmem.c [TNG] CC vals16.c [TNG] CC bwt.c [TNG] CC mtf.c [TNG] CC rle.c [TNG] CC lz77.c [TNG] CC dict.c [TNG] CC huffman.c [TNG] CC merge_sort.c /bin/rm -f libtng_io.a ar cqs libtng_io.a md5.o tng_io.o tng_compress.o coder.o warnmalloc.o fixpoint.o xtc3.o bwlzh.o xtc2.o widemuldiv.o huffmem.o vals16.o bwt.o mtf.o rle.o lz77.o dict.o huffman.o merge_sort.o make[2]: Leaving directory '/work/cpptraj/src/tng' Link cpptraj /usr/bin/ld: arpack/libarpack.a(dsaupd.o)(.text+0x124): unresolvable R_X86_64_PC32 relocation against symbol `timing_' /usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Nonrepresentable section on output collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make[1]: *** [Makefile:50: cpptraj] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory '/work/cpptraj/src' make: *** [Makefile:10: install] Error 2 [root@KWFPrimary cpptraj]#