Dear AMBER users,
I am trying to run QMMM calculation using sander.quick.cuda utility. I have
used this command lin:
sander.quick.cuda -O -i -o qmmm.out -p lig-solv-qmmm.prmtop -c
equil.rst -r qmmm.rst -x qmmm.mdcrd
But, getting this error: cudaGetDeviceCount gpu_init failed!: CUDA driver
version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version in
/apps/scratch/compile/amber22-gpu-quick/amber22_src/AmberTools/src/quick/src/cuda/ at line 80
It seems the current installed cuda version is incompatible with the cuda
which is required for sander.quick.cuda. Kindly suggest how can I fix this
I am sharing my job script which is using for running
the sander.quick.cuda.
Kindly help.
Thanks & Regards
Kankana Bhattacharjee
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Received on Fri Jan 10 2025 - 09:30:03 PST