I use process_mdout.perl to extract data from ".out" file of production MD, and found that the Density data was not extracted.
I checked the out file and script "process_mdout.perl", and found that the data is following:
NSTEP = 3000 TIME(PS) = 26.000 TEMP(K) = 299.74 PRESS = -263.7
Etot = -68993.2902 EKtot = 13497.2295 EPtot = -82490.5197
BOND = 174.2087 ANGLE = 496.3624 DIHED = 365.6343
1-4 NB = 192.5854 1-4 EEL = 1915.3936 VDWAALS = 14605.5558
EELEC = -100268.5665 EHBOND = 0.0000 RESTRAINT = 0.0000
EKCMT = 6401.9621 VIRIAL = 7708.5840 VOLUME = 229520.5066
CMAP = 28.3067
Density = 0.9847
Ewald error estimate: 0.2134E-04
But apparently, script "process_mdout.perl" doesn't deal with the " CMAP " line before "Density" line.
It seems that the " CMAP " line is newly added, but "process_mdout.perl" didn't update correspondingly.
I add the following statements in line 150 of "process_mdout.perl", then it can extract Density data.
if (/CMAP/) {
($cmap) = /.*CMAP.*=(.*\d*\.\d*)/;
if ( $debug ) {
print $_;
print "cmap is $cmap\n";
$_ = <INPUT>;
Please check this.
PS. What is the meaning of "EKCMT" and "CMAP"? I searched in Amber24.pdf£¬but didn't found any results about them.
Anbang Li
Institute of Biophysics, College of Physical Science and Technology,
Central China Normal University, China
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Received on Wed Jan 01 2025 - 18:30:02 PST