I am trying to solvate a complex PDB where the 46th SER residue forms a
covalent bond with the ligand. I modified the amino acid to SEJ. I am
following this green fluorescent amber tutorial (
https://ambermd.org/tutorials/basic/tutorial5/index.php). However, I am
getting error in the tleap step as follows-
teLeap: Error!
Comparing atoms
.R<CYS 45>.A<C 10>,
.R<SEJ 1>.A<H1 2>,
.R<SEJ 1>.A<H2 3>, and
.R<SEJ 1>.A<H3 4>
to atoms
.R<SEJ 1>.A<CA 5>,
.R<CYS 45>.A<C 10>,
.R<SEJ 1>.A<H3 4>, and
.R<SEJ 1>.A<H1 2>
This error may be due to faulty Connection atoms.
!FATAL ERROR----------------------------------------
!FATAL: In file [chirality.c], line 140
!FATAL: Message: Atom named CA from SEJ did not match !
The main chain file (sej.mc) was generated from the attached pdb file.
Kindly anyone help with this error.
Thank you
*Yours Sincerely*
*Subhasmita Mahapatra*
*Ph.D. Scholar (PMRF)*
*Computational Biophysics Group*
*Department of Biosciences and Biomedical Engineering*
*Indian Institute of Technology, Indore*
*Madhya Pradesh, India (453552)*
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Received on Sun Dec 08 2024 - 22:30:05 PST