I've installed Amber24 following the instructions on the manual, so I made an untar of Amber24Tools and Amber24.
I managed to get graphical counterparts of leap binary (xleap and xaLeap) by setting -DBUILD_GUI=TRUE in run_cmake script, however I'm not able to get xparmed binary installed.
I tried two different installations, the first with miniconda -DDOWNLOAD_MINICONDA=TRUE and the second one using with a personal pyenv with the required libs (numpy, scipy, setuptools, tkinter, etc.); in both cases after make install I do not have xparmed in ${AMBERHOME}/bin/ and in both cases I had a look at cmake.log and tkinter was found.
Unfortunately in the Amber24 manual there is no recipe or explicit reference to the commands or cmake directives in order to get xparmed binary. There are only some info about xparmed in section 14.2.5 but those info couldn't help me.
I'm trying this on a Rocky 8.9 machine with Gnome desktop installed.
Am I missing something? Is xparmed supported in Amber24 version?
Thank you in advance for your precious help,
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Received on Tue Nov 26 2024 - 09:00:04 PST