Dear Experts,
How I patched plumed with amber24.
In general plumed shows in disabled category.
---disabled: ------------------------------------------------
-- c9x-complex - used as a support library on systems that do not have C99
complex.h support
-- protobuf - protocol buffers library, used for communication with
external software in QM/MM
-- lio - used by Sander to run certain QM routines on the GPU
-- apbs - used by Sander as an alternate Poisson-Boltzmann equation solver
-- pupil - used by Sander as an alternate user interface
-- plumed - used as an alternate MD backend for Sander
*With regards,*
*Dulal Mondal,*
*Research Scholar,*
*Department of Chemistry,*
*IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302.*
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Received on Mon Sep 16 2024 - 07:30:02 PDT