[AMBER] CHARMM-GUI-provided scripts

From: HAFIDAH ZAKI AL QUDAH via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2024 19:09:57 +0000

I would like to know the NCYC value that determines the number of steps for the steepest descent from the CHARMM-GUI-provided minimization scripts for AMBER MD simulation. Is it 2500 or 100 steps because the provided script is:
! Minimization options
    imin=1, ! Turn on minimization
    maxcyc=5000, ! Maximum number of minimization cycles
    ncyc=2500, ! 100 steepest-descent steps, better for strained systems

Additionally, I would like to inquire about the applied restraint value in the CHARMM-GUI-provided minimization and equilibration scripts for AMBER MD simulation. Furthermore, I am interested in knowing the specific atoms for which the strain was applied. The obtained script:
! Restraint options
    ntr=1, ! Positional restraints for proteins, sugars, and ligands

    ! Set water atom/residue names for SETTLE recognition
    watnam='WAT', ! Water residues are named WAT
    owtnm='O', ! Water oxygens are named O

    vdwmeth = 0,
Protein posres
RES 1 296 297 297

Finally, I would like to understand how the SHAKE constraint was applied even though the time step was 1 fs (dt=0.001) in the equilibration script provided by CHARMM-GUI for the AMBER MD simulation as follows:
! MD settings
    nstlim=125000, ! 125K steps, 125 ps total
    dt=0.001, ! time step (ps)

    ! SHAKE
    ntc=2, ! Constrain bonds containing hydrogen
    ntf=2, ! Do not calculate forces of bonds containing hydrogen

Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks!
AMBER mailing list
Received on Mon Aug 05 2024 - 12:30:02 PDT
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