Re: [AMBER] No QM parameter for a Sulfur atom

From: Martin Juhás via AMBER <>
Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2024 08:07:57 +0000


I think this has already been discussed in the Archive. The problem is that sulfur is incorrectly written into parm file (?). See the -1 in:
QMMM: Atom number: 26 has atomic number -1.

Check in the Archive to be sure, but from what I remember it should be sufficient to correct this issue (the atomic number)


-----Original Message-----
From: Sunanda Samanta via AMBER <>
Sent: Monday, August 5, 2024 8:03 AM
Subject: [AMBER] No QM parameter for a Sulfur atom


Dear AMBER Community,
     For the QM/MM simulation of a covalently bound ligand to a Ser residue, we considered the Ser-ligand as a modified amino acid (SEN).
Following Antechamber, the atom type for a sulfur present in the ligand part was given as "SO".

ATOM 20 SAR SEN 46 -15.313 1.434 -29.065 2.849000 SO

While trying to run a QM/MM simulation, we got the following error in the output file for minimization-

QMMM: Atom number: 26 has atomic number -1.
QMMM: There are no PM3 parameters for this element. Sorry.
 SANDER BOMB in subroutine qm2_load_params_and_allocate UNSUPPORTED ELEMENT QM PM3 NOT AVAILABLE FOR THIS ATOM

This error pertains to the sulfur atom, and its coordinates in the minimization output file were written as following -

QMMM: 26 710 *^.^.* -1.0743 -0.8644 -2.3790

The input file for minimization contained the following, which we obtained from the AMBER tutorial for QM/MM MD ( -

Initial min of our structure QMMM
  imin=1, maxcyc=500, ncyc=200,
  cut=8.0, ntb=1, ntc=2, ntf=2,
  qm_ewald=1, qm_pme=1

I tried with some other qm_theory such as 'PM6' and 'AM1', which gave the same error. *A conventional all-atom MD*, however, *ran successfully with the same prepared files*. Is the error because of the "SO" atom type? I would be grateful for any guidance on this topic. On another note, is running a QM/MM simulation on a GPU using *pmemd.CUDA *possible? Is there any way for faster calculation than sander?

  Thank You

Sunanda Samanta
BSBE, IIT Indore
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Received on Mon Aug 05 2024 - 01:30:01 PDT
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