[AMBER] Installing Amber24 in M3 Mac

From: Marc Ciruela Jardí via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Wed, 22 May 2024 13:47:43 +0000

Dear Amber users,
I have been trying to install Amber24 on a M3 Mac and found several problems in my way that I wanted to share here in case it may be useful to somebody else.
There has been previous chatter about the boost library. Indeed, I have not been able to install it so it is used by the compiler, even if I tried installing it with brew too. However, previous messages I have seen in the archive noted that this supposed a problem for moft and disabling it could allow to compile the rest of Amber suite. In my case, boost was actually a problem for packmol-memgen, specifically memembed and disabling packmol-memgen allowed the compilation of the rest of Amber24. Now I still have to try to install the parallel version.

As a frequent user of packmol-memgen this was rather unconvenient, even more because I had previously tried to use the ambertools23 version in conda and failed because packmol did not recognize “amber_ter_preserve” (note: Today this is already solved with version 2024.2.9 of packmol-memgen present in the current version of ambertools23 in conda). With this in mind, I tried to install packmol-memgen separately using the setup.py script in its source folder. An error raised again complaining about the boost library but the installation completed and packmol-memgen seems to work. I supose that the memembed utility may not work and therefore proteins should already be preoriented but for now, the tests I have done worked properly.

Anyway, this is how I was able to install Amber24 and Packmol-memgen in an M3 Mac. I would like to ask if someone has been able to solve this and install memembed too.


Marc Ciruela Jardí
PhD Student
Laboratori de Medicina Computacional
Unitat de Bioestadística
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

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Received on Wed May 22 2024 - 07:00:02 PDT
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