[AMBER] Call for papers - 18th German Conference on Cheminformatics (GCC 2024)

From: Guessregen, Stefan /DE via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2024 22:10:46 +0000

Dear colleagues,

The board of the Division "Computers in Chemistry" (CIC) of the German Chemical Society (GDCh) is happy to invite you to contribute and participate in the 18th German Conference on Cheminformatics (GCC 2024).

After our previous annual meeting was held during the "GDCh Wissenschaftsforum" 2023, we will now return as a biannial event, extended by one day to cover the growing interest and topical diversity.

*** The GCC 2024 will take place on Nov 3-6, 2024 in Bad Soden am Taunus (near Frankfurt am Main), H+ Hotel. ***


We offer software workshops and three different formats for scientific contributions: talks, research telegrams (PhD students only), and posters.

Important deadlines and dates:

* Abstract submissions for oral contributions and research telegrams: May 31, 2024
* Abstract submissions for posters: August 31, 2024
* Scholarship applications: August 31, 2024
* Room reservations: September 1, 2024
* Registration opens: July 1, 2024

List of confirmed invited speakers:

* Sara Bonella, EPFL CECAM, Lausanne/CHE
* Jaqueline Cole, University of Cambridge/UK
* Kristine Deibler, NovoNordisk, Seattle/USA
* Francesca Grisoni, Eindhoven University/NL
* Gerhard Hummer, MPI for Biophysics, Frankfurt/DE
* Halima Mouhib, Free University Amsterdam/NL
* Eva Nittinger, AstraZeneca, Gothenburg/SE
* Markus Reiher, ETH Zürich/CHE
* Hirofumi Sato, Kyoto University/JP
* Alexandre Tkatchenko, University Luxembourg/LU


* Cheminformatics and Drug Discovery
* Artificial Intelligence in Chemical Sciences
* Chemical Information and Research Data
* Molecular and Protein Modelling, Simulation and Design
* Computational Materials Science
* Molecular Property Prediction
* Emerging Topics and Technologies

One session will be devoted to property prediction challenges and a discussion of the ongoing euroSAMPL challenge (https://qmbench.net/eurosampl) on aqueous acidity constants, including a peer-evaluation of best research data management practices for optimizing reproducibility of computational models.

Further details will be provided on the conference website: https://www.gdch.de/gcc2024.

The organizers
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Received on Tue May 07 2024 - 15:30:02 PDT
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