[AMBER] Error: Could not determine format of topology name.prmtop

From: Priyasha Majee via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 11:53:05 +0530

Dear All,

I want to run a 2 stage and heating minimization on Sander. I have
MT2.prmtop and MT2.inpcrd files in the working directory as my parameter
and coordinate files. I have a .sh file 'job. sh' which I have created
to run stepwise jobs. When I submit .sh file, I get error message.

Error: Could not determine format of topology MT2.prmtop

Error opening unit 30: File "min1.rst7" is missing or unreadable

The job.sh file is:

source /apps/amber18/amber.sh
cd /home/pradeepkumar/priyasha/MT2

sander -O -i min1.in -o min1.out -p MT2.prmtop -c MT2.inpcrd -r
min1.rst7 -ref MT2.inpcrd
ambpdb -p MT2.prmtop -c min1.rst7 > min1.pdb
sander -O -i min2.in -o min2.out -p MT2.prmtop -c min1.rst7 -r min2.rst7
-ref min1.rst7
ambpdb -p MT2.prmtop -c min2.rst7 > min2.pdb
sander -O -i heat.in -o heat.out -p MT2.prmtop -c min2.rst7 -r heat.rst7
-ref min2.rst7

I have all the input files inside the working directory. This is the
minimization input file.
   restraintmask=':1-200, 264-353',
Please let me know where i am getting the error

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Received on Wed Apr 10 2024 - 23:30:02 PDT
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