[AMBER] Renumber residues (Error: No change type specified) - AMBER MD 18

From: Daniel Hall via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2024 17:19:15 +0000

Dear Amber MD users,

I am having trouble renumbering residues in the topology to match that of those assigned in UniProt. Currently the residue numbers when viewed in cpptraj are:

#Res Name First Last Natom #Orig #Mol
    1 DA5 1 30 30 1 1
    2 DA 31 62 32 2 1
    3 DT 63 94 32 3 1
   52 DA 1613 1644 32 52 2
   53 DT 1645 1676 32 53 2
   54 DT3 1677 1709 33 54 2
   55 LYS 1710 1733 24 55 3
   56 LYS 1734 1755 22 56 3
   57 PHE 1756 1775 20 57 3
   81 ASN 2154 2167 14 81 3
   82 LYS 2168 2189 22 82 3
   83 LYS 2190 2212 23 83 3

So far residue numbers :1-54 correspond to the DNA sequence and :55-83 correspond to the protein. I would like the protein numbering to be :684-712.

I have tried the following;
parm topol.prmtop
trajin ensemble.nc
change oresnums of :55-83 min 684 max 712

This produces the following error:
Error: No change type specified.

I am unsure how to fix this issue and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,
AMBER mailing list
Received on Wed Feb 28 2024 - 09:30:02 PST
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