[AMBER] Error parametrizing ligand covalently bound to cysteine using GAFF

From: Noureen Abdelrahman via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2024 18:02:06 +0000


Sorry for the duplicate, I think my answer to the previous thread I started didn't get through.

I am trying to parametrize a non-standard residue (biliverdin) covalently bound to a cysteine residue. I am following the Amber tutorial: Simulating the Green Fluorescent Protein and Building a Modified Amino Acid Residue. I downloaded the .ciff file for the JRA ligand from PDB, produced the .ac file using antechamber, and my .mc file looks like this:







where CAC is the atomname of the biliverdin atom that is covalently bound to the SG atom of the nearby cysteine residue (which I renamed as CYX instead of CYS), and H27 is the hydrogen that I need to omit from the ligand to create the bond.

After creating the .frmod and prepin files for my ligand from the tutorial, I get to the tleap step. My tleap input file looks like this:

source leaprc.protein.ff19SB

loadAmberPrep JRA.prepin

loadAmberParams frcmod2.cro

loadAmberParams frcmod1.cro

x = loadPDB miRFP670nano_BV_h1.pdb

#bond x.86.SG x.148.CAC

saveAmberParm x miRFP670nano_BV.parm7 miRFP670nano_BV.rst7


When the "bond" line is commented, tleap doesn't give errors, but the parm7 an rst7 files do not have the bond between SG and CAC. If I include the bond line, tleap produces this error message:

/proj/pierilab/software/amber/cuda12.2_version/amber22/bin/teLeap: Error!

Could not find bond parameter for atom types: S - CM

        for atom SG at position 42.321000, -4.195000, 17.484000

        and atom CAC at position 42.271000, -5.667000, 18.332000.

Building angle parameters.

/proj/pierilab/software/amber/cuda12.2_version/amber22/bin/teLeap: Error!

Could not find angle parameter for atom types: S - CM - CM

        for atom SG at position 42.321000, -4.195000, 17.484000,

            atom CAC at position 42.271000, -5.667000, 18.332000,

        and atom CBC at position 42.998000, -6.719000, 17.994000.

/proj/pierilab/software/amber/cuda12.2_version/amber22/bin/teLeap: Error!

Could not find angle parameter for atom types: S - CM - CT

        for atom SG at position 42.321000, -4.195000, 17.484000,

            atom CAC at position 42.271000, -5.667000, 18.332000,

        and atom C3C at position 41.383000, -5.509000, 19.575000.

/proj/pierilab/software/amber/cuda12.2_version/amber22/bin/teLeap: Error!

Could not find angle parameter for atom types: 2C - S - CM

        for atom CB at position 40.786000, -3.743000, 16.703000,

            atom SG at position 42.321000, -4.195000, 17.484000,

        and atom CAC at position 42.271000, -5.667000, 18.332000.

Building proper torsion parameters.

/proj/pierilab/software/amber/cuda12.2_version/amber22/bin/teLeap: Error!

 ** No torsion terms for atom types: 2C-S-CM-CM

        for atom CB at position 40.786000, -3.743000, 16.703000,

            atom SG at position 42.321000, -4.195000, 17.484000,

            atom CAC at position 42.271000, -5.667000, 18.332000,

        and atom CBC at position 42.998000, -6.719000, 17.994000.

/proj/pierilab/software/amber/cuda12.2_version/amber22/bin/teLeap: Error!

 ** No torsion terms for atom types: 2C-S-CM-CT

        for atom CB at position 40.786000, -3.743000, 16.703000,

            atom SG at position 42.321000, -4.195000, 17.484000,

            atom CAC at position 42.271000, -5.667000, 18.332000,

        and atom C3C at position 41.383000, -5.509000, 19.575000.

Building improper torsion parameters.

old PREP-specified impropers:

 <JRA 148>: CBC C3C CAC -M

 <JRA 148>: CAC H28 CBC H29

 <JRA 148>: C2C NC C1C OC

 <JRA 148>: C1C C4C NC H20

 <JRA 148>: CHD C3C C4C NC

 <JRA 148>: C1D C4C CHD H30

 <JRA 148>: C2D CHD C1D ND

 <JRA 148>: C3D CHA C4D ND

 <JRA 148>: C4D C1A CHA H1

 <JRA 148>: C2A CHA C1A NA

 <JRA 148>: C1A C4A NA H3

 <JRA 148>: C3A CHB C4A NA

 <JRA 148>: C2A C4A C3A CMA

 <JRA 148>: C3A C1A C2A CAA

 <JRA 148>: CBA O1A CGA O2A

 <JRA 148>: C4A C1B CHB H12

 <JRA 148>: C2B CHB C1B NB

 <JRA 148>: C4B C1B NB H2

 <JRA 148>: C3B NB C4B OB

 <JRA 148>: C2B C4B C3B CAB

 <JRA 148>: C3B C1B C2B CMB

 <JRA 148>: C3B CBB CAB H17

 <JRA 148>: CAB H18 CBB H19

 <JRA 148>: C2D C4D C3D CAD

 <JRA 148>: C3D C1D C2D CMD

 <JRA 148>: CBD O2D CGD O1D

 total 526 improper torsions applied

 26 improper torsions in old prep form

Building H-Bond parameters.

Incorporating Non-Bonded adjustments.

/proj/pierilab/software/amber/cuda12.2_version/amber22/bin/teLeap: Warning!

Parameter file was not saved.


Exiting LEaP: Errors = 6; Warnings = 2; Notes = 1.

What am I missing? How do I parametrize this bond correctly? Should I use a different atom type for either the sulfur (instead of SG/SH) or the CAC atom (instead of CM)?

Thank you in advance,

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Received on Thu Feb 08 2024 - 10:30:02 PST
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