On Fri, Jan 26, 2024, Godbole, Shivani via AMBER wrote:
>This is Shivani Godbole. I am a student at Penn State University. I have
>been trying to download AMBER for the last two days and I am having
>issues doing so. I was wondering if you could help me out with that. I am
>trying to download cmake to install AMBER, but it is just not working. I
>downloaded cmake and installed it but its not working.
Just to expand a bit on previous answers. Saying "it's not working" doesn't
allow any one to help. You will need to say exactly what you tried, and
exactly what happened. (For example, we don't even know what operating
system you are using.)
As noted earlier, we also don't know if the problem is with the download, or
with the subsequent installation procedure. Be sure to visit
https://ambermd.org/Installation.php, and go to the page that corresponds to
your operating system. There is often useful information there.
...good luck...dac
AMBER mailing list
Received on Fri Jan 26 2024 - 14:30:03 PST