On Mon, Jan 22, 2024, ���ͽ��� �ٽ� via AMBER wrote:
>I am attempting to install AmberTools22 and Amber22 on my system but
>have encountered a linking error during the build process. I'm seeking
>assistance to resolve this issue.
This was addressed in the transition from AmberTools22 to AmberTools23. So,
the first thing to try is to update the code ("update_amber --upgrade").
If that doesn't work, compile with GCC. I'm sure that effectively zero
testing has been done so far on the 2024 version of Intel's compilers. The
"benefits" of using Intel compilers are pretty limited, and new releases of
Intel compilers have a history of breaking the Amber build.
...good luck...dac
AMBER mailing list
Received on Mon Jan 22 2024 - 11:30:02 PST