[AMBER] Query regarding preparation of protein system having zinc ion using ZAFF

From: Sayan Poddar via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Mon, 25 Dec 2023 23:08:00 +0530

Dear AMBER developers and Users,

My protein structure contains a zinc ion encircled by four cysteine
residues. The system preparation for simulation was conducted following the
provided tutorial.

However, I have a question; the tleap file includes the following line
concerning atom type.

*addAtomTypes { { "ZN" "Zn" "sp3" } { "S3" "S" "sp3" } { "N2" "N" "sp3" } }*
 #Add atom types for the ZAFF metal center with Center ID 4

The tutorial provides the naming convention for atoms in various systems.

I changed 'S3' to 'S1' in { "S3" "S" "sp3" } because my zinc ions are
surrounded by four cysteine residues. However, since these residues lack
nitrogen atoms, is it permissible to eliminate the portion { "N2" "N" "sp3"
} from addAtomTypes?"

So my final syntax would be like

*addAtomTypes { { "ZN" "Zn" "sp3" } { "S1" "S" "sp3" } }*

Is this right?

Thank you
*with regards*
*Sayan Poddar*
*PhD Research Scholar*
*Department of Biosciences and Biomedical Engineering*
*Indian Institute of Technology Indore*
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Received on Mon Dec 25 2023 - 10:00:02 PST
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