[AMBER] mmpbsa.py: Error: Creating complex topology failed!

From: Enrico Martinez via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2023 12:58:24 +0200

Dear Amber Users

Dear Amber Users,

Sometimes executing mmpbsa analysis I got the following error in the
terminal window on the step of running the calculation (when the
ante-MMPBSA.py have already finished splitting the topologies):

Error: Creating complex topology failed!
b"Loaded Amber topology file
/home/enrico/Bureau/Analyse/md/protein.prmtop\nReading input from
STDIN...\n> Removing mask ':WAT,Cl-,Na+' (288825 atoms) from the
topology file. Deleting box info.\n> > Outputting Amber topology file
complex.prmtop\nFileExists: complex.prmtop exists; not overwriting."

>From this point the mmpbsa script tries to remake all topologies (for
complex, receptor and ligand) and recalculate everything from the
beginning. I have not noticed any problems on further steps.

How could the issue be resolved ?

Yours sincerely


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Received on Mon Oct 23 2023 - 04:00:05 PDT
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