[AMBER] restart H-REMD simulation

From: Juraj Dobias via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2023 08:53:42 +0200

Dear Amber users,

I am doing TI using DDBoost and I am struggling to restart final
production H-REMD simulation, which was stopped due to job time limit.
Our cluster prefers short jobs (4 h) for its efficient utilization.
According to manual T-REMD can be restarted using -A flag instead of -O,
but amber does not recognize -A flag. I tried changing starting rst7
file in groupfile, but all output files were overwritten. I need to
append new data to existing mdout file for subsequent analysis.


-O -p unisc.parm7 -c t1/0.00000000_preTI.rst7 -i
inputs/0.00000000_ti.mdin -o t1/0.00000000_ti.mdout -r
t1/0.00000000_ti.rst7 -x t1/0.00000000_ti.nc -ref t1/0.00000000_preTI.rst7
-O -p unisc.parm7 -c t1/0.10000000_preTI.rst7 -i
inputs/0.10000000_ti.mdin -o t1/0.10000000_ti.mdout -r
t1/0.10000000_ti.rst7 -x t1/0.10000000_ti.nc -ref t1/0.10000000_preTI.rst7
-O -p unisc.parm7 -c t1/0.20000000_preTI.rst7 -i
inputs/0.20000000_ti.mdin -o t1/0.20000000_ti.mdout -r
t1/0.20000000_ti.rst7 -x t1/0.20000000_ti.nc -ref t1/0.20000000_preTI.rst7
-O -p unisc.parm7 -c t1/0.30000000_preTI.rst7 -i
inputs/0.30000000_ti.mdin -o t1/0.30000000_ti.mdout -r
t1/0.30000000_ti.rst7 -x t1/0.30000000_ti.nc -ref t1/0.30000000_preTI.rst7
-O -p unisc.parm7 -c t1/0.40000000_preTI.rst7 -i
inputs/0.40000000_ti.mdin -o t1/0.40000000_ti.mdout -r
t1/0.40000000_ti.rst7 -x t1/0.40000000_ti.nc -ref t1/0.40000000_preTI.rst7
-O -p unisc.parm7 -c t1/0.50000000_preTI.rst7 -i
inputs/0.50000000_ti.mdin -o t1/0.50000000_ti.mdout -r
t1/0.50000000_ti.rst7 -x t1/0.50000000_ti.nc -ref t1/0.50000000_preTI.rst7
-O -p unisc.parm7 -c t1/0.60000000_preTI.rst7 -i
inputs/0.60000000_ti.mdin -o t1/0.60000000_ti.mdout -r
t1/0.60000000_ti.rst7 -x t1/0.60000000_ti.nc -ref t1/0.60000000_preTI.rst7
-O -p unisc.parm7 -c t1/0.70000000_preTI.rst7 -i
inputs/0.70000000_ti.mdin -o t1/0.70000000_ti.mdout -r
t1/0.70000000_ti.rst7 -x t1/0.70000000_ti.nc -ref t1/0.70000000_preTI.rst7
-O -p unisc.parm7 -c t1/0.80000000_preTI.rst7 -i
inputs/0.80000000_ti.mdin -o t1/0.80000000_ti.mdout -r
t1/0.80000000_ti.rst7 -x t1/0.80000000_ti.nc -ref t1/0.80000000_preTI.rst7
-O -p unisc.parm7 -c t1/0.90000000_preTI.rst7 -i
inputs/0.90000000_ti.mdin -o t1/0.90000000_ti.mdout -r
t1/0.90000000_ti.rst7 -x t1/0.90000000_ti.nc -ref t1/0.90000000_preTI.rst7
-O -p unisc.parm7 -c t1/1.00000000_preTI.rst7 -i
inputs/1.00000000_ti.mdin -o t1/1.00000000_ti.mdout -r
t1/1.00000000_ti.rst7 -x t1/1.00000000_ti.nc -ref t1/1.00000000_preTI.rst7


imin            = 0
nstlim          = 20
numexchg        = 100000
dt              = 0.001
irest           = 1
ntx             = 5
ntxo            = 1
ntc             = 2
ntf             = 1
ntwx            = 0
ntwr            = 5000
ntpr            = 1000
cut             = 10
iwrap           = 1

ntb             = 2
temp0           = 298.
ntt             = 3
gamma_ln        = 2.
tautp           = 1
ntp             = 1
barostat        = 2
pres0           = 1.01325
taup            = 5.0

ifsc            = 1
icfe            = 1

ifmbar          = 1
bar_intervall   = 20
mbar_states     = 11
mbar_lambda(1)     = 0.00000000
mbar_lambda(2)     = 0.10000000
mbar_lambda(3)     = 0.20000000
mbar_lambda(4)     = 0.30000000
mbar_lambda(5)     = 0.40000000
mbar_lambda(6)     = 0.50000000
mbar_lambda(7)     = 0.60000000
mbar_lambda(8)     = 0.70000000
mbar_lambda(9)     = 0.80000000
mbar_lambda(10)     = 0.90000000
mbar_lambda(11)     = 1.00000000

noshakemask     = '.1-149'

clambda         = 0.00000000
timask1         = '.1-72'
timask2         = '.73-149'
crgmask         = ""
scmask1         = '.31-32,39,71-72'
scmask2         = '.109-114,146-149'
scalpha         = 0.5
scbeta          = 1.0

gti_cut         = 1
gti_output      = 1
gti_add_sc      = 5
gti_scale_beta  = 1
gti_cut_sc_on   = 8
gti_cut_sc_off  = 10
gti_lam_sch     = 1
gti_ele_sc      = 1
gti_vdw_sc      = 1
gti_cut_sc      = 2
gti_ele_exp     = 2
gti_vdw_exp     = 2

gremd_acyc      = 1

Can you please suggest some solution?


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Received on Tue Oct 10 2023 - 00:30:03 PDT
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