[AMBER] Error with a cpptraj loop

From: VERONICA MARTIN HERNANDEZ via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2023 19:56:49 +0000

Hi everyone again (and sorry for writting to much)

I've to extract all the frames of a dynamic in separated files and I was trying with cpptraj and the following loop:

parm CRBN-LVR-solv.prmtop
trajin CRBN-LVR-NVTcenter.mdcrd
for iFrame in {1..500}
  trajout CRBN-LVR-\$iFrame.mdcrd onlyframes \$iFrame

But I get the following error:

INPUT: Reading input from 'extract.in'
  [parm CRBN-LVR-solv.prmtop]
        Reading 'CRBN-LVR-solv.prmtop' as Amber Topology
        Radius Set: H(N)-modified Bondi radii (mbondi2)
  [trajin CRBN-LVR-NVTcenter.mdcrd]
        Reading 'CRBN-LVR-NVTcenter.mdcrd' as Amber Trajectory
  [for iFrame in {1..500}]
    Setting up 'for' loop.
CONTROL: Parsing control block.
  BLOCK 0: for ((iFrame in {1..500})) do
  [trajout CRBN-LVR-\$iFrame.mdcrd onlyframes \$iFrame]
        Added command 'trajout' to control block 0.
        Added command 'do' to control block 0.
Error: 1 unterminated control block(s) detected.
Error: 0 : for ((iFrame in {1..500})) do
TIME: Total execution time: 0.1296 seconds.
Error: Error(s) occurred during execution.

How can I fix it?
Thanks in advance
AMBER mailing list
Received on Sun Oct 01 2023 - 13:00:02 PDT
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