[AMBER] Chirality flipped for 2 identical molecules

From: Todd Minehardt via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2023 20:41:09 +0000

I am constructing prepi and frcmod files from a PubChem 3D sdf file for a positively-charged (+1) S enantiomer. I do this by running antechamber and parmchk2:

antechamber -fi sdf -i compound.sdf -fo prepi -o compound.prepi -nc 1 -seq y -j 5 -rn LIG -c bcc

parmchk2 -f prepi -i compound.prepi -o compound.frcmod

I have a nice clean PDB structure in which there are two occurences of the heavy atoms of LIG.

When I run this through tLEaP, one LIG is S and the other is R (after using ambpdb for generating PDB from saved .prmtop and .crd files).

Is there an explanation for this behavior, as it is repeatable; and I'm not doing anything at all to the compound.sdf file and only removed unwanted waters and the like from the PDB file from RCSB.

Thank you,

Todd Minehardt
AMBER mailing list
Received on Tue Sep 05 2023 - 14:00:02 PDT
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