[AMBER] cpptraj: offset option for trajout

From: Enrico Martinez via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2023 12:36:17 +0200

Dear Amber users !

I am using cpptraj for some basic post-processing of production run
trajectory with the aim to reduce PBC effects for visual inspection

cpptraj.mpi -p complex.prmtop -y production.nc -x production_nopbc.nc
-i cpptraj.in

where the cpptraj.in consists of only the autoimage command.

Basically it works OK but I am stuck on the task when I need to save
each 5th snapshot to reduce the size of the output file.

For this aim I modified my cpptraj script explicitly adding

trajout production_nopbc.nc netcdf offset 5

and running cpptraj without -x as

cpptraj.mpi -p complex.prmtop -y production.nc -i cpptraj.in

which always produces an error either
"file production_nopbc.n already in use"
or cpptraj.mpi could not handle trajout in parallel.

Since the first version (with -x) works very well in parallel, are
there any trick to specify offset outside of the cpptraj.in script ??

Many thanks in advance


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Received on Wed Aug 30 2023 - 04:00:02 PDT
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