[AMBER] How to place extra point of charge to simulate sigma hole on halogens

From: Friederike Leßmöllmann via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2023 21:27:03 +0200

Dear AMBER-Community,

I would like to add extra points of charge to molecules that contain
halogens to simulate sigma holes, but I am having trouble understanding
how to actually determine the postition of these extra points and
placing them in the topology file. I looked at the tutorials available
on the AMBER homepage and read everything available about that topic in
the mailing list archive, but I just don't get it.

I perfomed the gaussian optimization of the molecules in question,
calculated the RESP charges and so on. But how can I determine the
coordinates for the extra points? How do I know what charge it should
have? Could someone maybe provide me with a kind of 'explanation for
dummies'. I feel like, I am missing just one simple sentence, one
keyword, or anything like that, that could suddenly make me understand
what I have to do. I am just so lost.

Thanks for your help.

Friederike Leßmöllmann

AMBER mailing list
Received on Mon Aug 28 2023 - 12:30:02 PDT
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