[AMBER] Local structure index )LSI) help

From: Zafar,Muhammad Saqlain via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 06:04:21 +0000

Dear Amber users,

i have been trying to get Local structure index (LSI) by running NPT through cpptraj by using following commands.

parm tip5p.parm7
trajin eq_npt.nc
solvent :WAT
hbond watcoord out water_coordination.dat

but following warning comes without output file.

Warning: Nothing selected for hydrogen bond analysis.
Warning: Setup incomplete for [hbond]: Skipping

Warning: Set 'WATcoord[UU]' contains no data.
Warning: File 'water_coordination.dat' has no sets containing data.

can anyone tell me where the problem is?

or can provide correct code to get LSI of water .

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Received on Wed Aug 02 2023 - 23:30:01 PDT
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