On Tue, Jun 20, 2023, 홍종희 via AMBER wrote:
>I'm now trying to install amber22 in gcc6.5/python2/cuda9.0
Both the compiler and cuda SDK are pretty old by now.
>unitil running run_cmake is finished there's no problem, but when I run make install I got following error
>[ 48%] Built target libquick_cuda
>[ 48%] Linking Fortran executable sander.quick.cuda
>/usr/local/cuda/lib64/libcusolver.so.9.0: undefined reference to `GOMP_critical_end'
>when I install with cuda 11.2 there's no problem?
>Is this problem related to cuda version ?
Probably. I'll cc- this to Quick people, but using something more recent
(like cuda 11.2) sounds like the way to go, if at all possible.
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Received on Thu Jun 22 2023 - 09:30:02 PDT