[AMBER] load amber trj using vmd automatically

From: laura zhang via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2023 20:17:02 +0000

Dear Amber users,

I generated multiple amber trj files. I tried to load all the trj files using a tcl code with the content as below:

set mol [mol new pcsk9.wet.complex.parm7 type parm7]
mol addfile pcsk9.wet.complex.pdb
for {set i 10 } {$i < 13 } { incr i } {
mol addfile $i.prod-unwrap.trj

Then I typed the following on the command line to run it:
> vmd -dispdev text -e add_dcd.tcl

But I got the following error message on the screen:

gromacsplugin) Cannot read header fromm '10.prod-unwrap.trj', no error
ERROR) Could not read file 10.prod-unwrap.trj
Unable to load file '10.prod-unwrap.trj' using file type 'trj'.

I am wondering where is wrong in above. How to fix it? Thanks a lot.

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Received on Tue Feb 07 2023 - 12:30:03 PST
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