[AMBER] Problem with MMGBSA

From: Suchetana Gupta via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2023 14:50:00 -0800

Dear Amber Users
I need help in diagnosing an error with MMGBSA.
When I try to run an MMGBSA analysis on a trajectory (the trajectory looks
absolutely fine on VMD and inspection in a text editor also shows no
issues), I get the following error:

MMPBSA.py -O -i mmgbsa1.in -sp wt_wat.top -cp complex.top -rp rec.top -lp
lig.top -y imaged1.crd -o mmgbsa1.dat -do decomp1.dat > mmgbsa1.out &
                [1] 23047

 (ambertools-20220513) [sugupta.n099 water-md]$ File
"/packages/miniconda/20190102/envs/ambertools-20220513/bin/MMPBSA.py", line
100, in <module>

line 218, in run_mmpbsa
                            self.calc_list.run(rank, self.stdout)

line 82, in run
                     calc.run(rank, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)

line 156, in run
                      raise CalcError('%s failed with prmtop %s!' %

/packages/miniconda/20190102/envs/ambertools-20220513/bin/sander failed
with prmtop complex.top!

                                        Fatal Error!

                          All files have been retained for your error

                  You should begin by examining the output files of the
first failed calculation.

       Consult the "Temporary Files" subsection of the MMPBSA.py chapter in
for file naming conventions.

                                        [1]+ Exit 1
 MMPBSA.py -O -i mmgbsa1.in -sp wt_wat.top -cp complex.top -rp rec.top -lp
lig.top -y imaged1.crd -o mmgbsa1.dat -do decomp1.dat > mmgbsa1.out
                                 (ambertools-20220513) [sugupta.n099

The mmgbsa input that I am using is:

MMPBSA.py input file for running GB


endframe=500, interval=100,

                                               keep_files=0, netcdf=1,



    igb=5, saltcon=0.1



                                      idecomp=4, dec_verbose=0, csv_format=0

Please help me solve this.

Have never ever faced this issue earlier and the system is a very simple
one with HIV-1 Protease and a natural substrate (so no forcefield issues

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Received on Wed Feb 01 2023 - 15:00:02 PST
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