[AMBER] Segmentation fault while using xtalsymm in cpptraj

From: Thorben Poburski via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2023 16:30:27 +0100

Dear Amber-community,

I performed crystal simulations of rnaseA (one unit cell consists of 6
copies of the asymmetric unit). For further analysis I need to align the
unit cells of each snapshot. For that I am using the xtalsymm function
of cpptraj, but I always get a segmentation fault.
Would you like to help me please?
Below you will find additional information, which might be helpful.

CRYST1   64.700   64.700   65.200  90.00  90.00 120.00 P 32 2 1

CPPTRAJ: Trajectory Analysis. V5.1.0
     ___  ___  ___  ___
      | \/ | \/ | \/ |

| Date/time: 01/11/23 15:27:10
| Available memory: 6.463 GB

> parm rnasea_unitcell4025.prmtop
   [parm rnasea_unitcell4025.prmtop]
     Reading 'rnasea_unitcell4025.prmtop' as Amber Topology
     Radius Set: modified Bondi radii (mbondi)
> trajin rnasea_unitcell4025.inpcrd
   [trajin rnasea_unitcell4025.inpcrd]
     Reading 'rnasea_unitcell4025.inpcrd' as Amber Restart
Warning: Trajectory box type is 'Hexagonal' but topology box type is
Warning: Setting topology box information from trajectory.
> trajin production.nc
   [trajin production.nc]
     Reading 'production.nc' as Amber NetCDF
> xtalsymm :1-124,128-251,255-378,382-505,509-632,636-759 group
'P3(2)21' collect centroid first
   [xtalsymm :1-124,128-251,255-378,382-505,509-632,636-759 group
'P3(2)21' collect centroid first]
     XTALSYMM: Mask is :1-124,128-251,255-378,382-505,509-632,636-759
     Reference is first frame.
     Space group 'P3(2)21'
     NA=        1  NB=        1  NC=        1  Nops=        6
     Reimaging by molecule
> run
---------- RUN BEGIN -------------------------------------------------

  0: rnasea_unitcell4025.prmtop, 29624 atoms, 5393 res, box: Hexagonal,
4655 mol, 4607 solvent

  0: 'rnasea_unitcell4025.inpcrd' is an AMBER restart file, no
velocities, Parm rnasea_unitcell4025.prmtop (Hexagonal box) (reading 1 of 1)
  1: 'production.nc' is a NetCDF AMBER trajectory with coordinates,
time, box, Parm rnasea_unitcell4025.prmtop (Hexagonal box) (reading 25
of 25)
   Coordinate processing will occur on 26 frames.

ACTION SETUP FOR PARM 'rnasea_unitcell4025.prmtop' (1 actions):
   0: [xtalsymm :1-124,128-251,255-378,382-505,509-632,636-759 group
'P3(2)21' collect centroid first]
----- rnasea_unitcell4025.inpcrd (1-1, 1) -----
j = 0 out of 0 atoms, i = 0 out of 1 capacity.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

By using "parmbox x 64.7 y 64.7 z 65.2 alpha 90 beta 90 gamma 120" I
could disable the warnings, but the seg fault remained.

Thanks in advance,

AMBER mailing list
Received on Wed Jan 11 2023 - 08:00:03 PST
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