Re: [AMBER] about running mmgbsa energy calculation on some molecules in the simulation system

From: Bill Miller III via AMBER <>
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2022 16:53:08 -0600

Looks like your prmtop files were not created properly since your atom numbers don’t match between the netcdf and complex prmtop. Did you use to create your dry complex, receptor, and ligand prmtop files? If so, could you post the command you used? Can I assume at least one of your ligands has 29 atoms (this missing atoms 1838-1809)?

Also, is there any chance your two ligands are the same and given the same residue name in Amber? That would make generating the prmtop files a little more difficult, but still possible (I’ve done it actually).


> On Dec 7, 2022, at 4:11 PM, laura zhang via AMBER <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I conducted an amber simulation which includes one protein and two ligands. I want to calculate the binding free energy of the protein with the 2nd ligand. I have the code to calculate mmgbsa energy pasted below.
> solv_parm="./tm2.wet.complex.parm7"
> complex_parm="./tm2.gas.comp2.parm7"
> receptor_parm="./tm2.gas.receptor.parm7"
> lig_parm="./tm2.gas.lg2.parm7"
> trajectory="./"
> -O -i \
> -o tm2_mmgbsa_results_10.dat \
> -eo tm2_mmgbsa_perframe_10.dat \
> -sp ${solv_parm} \
> -cp ${complex_parm} \
> -rp ${receptor_parm} \
> -lp ${lig_parm} \
> -y ${trajectory}
> here, complex includes receptor+lg1+lg2 (1838 atoms), while comp2 includes receptor+lg2 (1809 atoms), and tm2.wet.complex.parm7 file can load file using vmd program.
> I got the error message in the log file as "Error: Number of atoms in NetCDF file (1838) does not match number
> Error: in associated topology (1809)!
> Error: Could not set up '' for reading.
> Error: Could not set up input trajectory ''.
> I am wondering how to solve such kind of problem. Thank you very much.
> Laura
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Received on Wed Dec 07 2022 - 15:00:03 PST
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