Production Run, 500ns with step 2fs &cntrl ntt=3, ! Temperature scaling (=3, Langevin dynamics) temp0 = 300, ! target temperature tempi = 300, gamma_ln=2.0, ! Collision frequency of the Langevin dynamics in ps-1 ntc=2, ! SHAKE constraints (=2, hydrogen bond lengths constrained) ntf=2, ! Force evaluation (=2, hydrogen bond interactions omitted) ntb=2, ! Boundaries (=2, constant pressure) ntp=1, ! Constant pressure dynamics (=1, isotropic position scaling) barostat=1, ! Barostat to control the pressure (=1, Berendsen) pres0=1.0, ! Target pressure (1 bar) taup=1.0, ! Pressure relaxation time in ps cut=8.0, ! Cutoff dt=0.002, ! The time step in picoseconds nstlim=250000000, ! Number of MD steps to be performed ig=-1, ! Random seed (=-1, get a number from current date and time) ntwr=10000, ! Restart file written every ntwr steps ntwx=10000, ! Trajectory file written every ntwx steps ntpr=10000, ! The mdout and mdinfo files written every ntpr steps ioutfm=1, ! Trajectory file format (=1, Binary NetCDF) iwrap=1, ! Translate water molecules into the original simulation box igb=0, ! GB model (=0, explicit solvent) irest=1, ! Flag to restart the simulation ntx=5, ! Initial condition (=5, coord. and veloc. read from the inpcrd file) /