[AMBER] Problem: Minimization and TI

From: Matthew Guberman-Pfeffer via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2022 21:19:56 -0400

Dear AMBER community,

I encounter the below error message when trying to perform a minimization. The input file is at the very end of the message.

      1 NaN NaN 2.1274E+77 N 8047

 BOND = 1627.2953 ANGLE = 5004.2201 DIHED = 6967.7007
 VDWAALS = NaN EEL = NaN HBOND = 0.0000
 1-4 VDW = 1947.9588 1-4 EEL = 30599.1262 RESTRAINT = 0.3922
 DV/DL = NaN
 NMR restraints: Bond = 0.000 Angle = 0.000 Torsion = 0.392
  Softcore part of the system: 37 atoms, TEMP(K) = 0.00
 SC_Etot= 0.0000 SC_EKtot= 0.0000 SC_EPtot = 138.6008
 SC_BOND= 9.0733 SC_ANGLE= 21.7073 SC_DIHED = 63.9746
 SC_14NB= 6.6511 SC_14EEL= 79.3772 SC_VDW = -1.4378
 SC_EEL = -40.7448
 SC_RES_DIST= 0.0000 SC_RES_ANG= 0.0000 SC_RES_TORS= 0.0000

| TI region 2

      1 NaN NaN 2.1274E+77 N 8047

 BOND = 1627.2953 ANGLE = 5004.2201 DIHED = 6967.7007
 VDWAALS = NaN EEL = NaN HBOND = 0.0000
 1-4 VDW = 1947.9588 1-4 EEL = 30599.1262 RESTRAINT = 0.3922
 DV/DL = NaN
 NMR restraints: Bond = 0.000 Angle = 0.000 Torsion = 0.392
  Softcore part of the system: 37 atoms, TEMP(K) = 0.00
 SC_Etot= 0.0000 SC_EKtot= 0.0000 SC_EPtot = 118.4809
 SC_BOND= 5.3882 SC_ANGLE= 17.0508 SC_DIHED = 40.9427
 SC_14NB= 2.7221 SC_14EEL= 8.6995 SC_VDW = -1.3387
 SC_EEL = 45.0164
 SC_RES_DIST= 0.0000 SC_RES_ANG= 0.0000 SC_RES_TORS= 0.0000

     Coordinate resetting (shake) was not accomplished
     within 3000 iterations
  *** Especially for minimization, try ntc=1 (no shake)

The offending atom (N 8047) is the backbone N of the to-be mutated residue and it is in the softcore region). If I follow the suggestion of entirely turning of SHAKE, the offending atom changes to CG 8054 (still in the softcore region) and the minimization also crashes on the first step. (I know both cases crash just after the first step because I was printing every step (ntpr=1).

Visually I don’t see any bad sterics, and clambda was set to 0. Values of clambda of 0.5 or 1.0 also produce crashes on the first step, but the offending atoms are different and not so many energy terms are NaN.

Curiously, out of 17 calculations generated from different snapshots of the system from an initial-state trajectory, only this calculation, and one other, crashed with the above error. The offending atom in the other crashed calculation was also N 8047.

I want to understand why these two calculations in particular crashed. Are there any suggestions of what I can try to figure this out? My aim is to take a large number of snapshots from trajectories of the initial and final states, re-build the topology for TI simulations, minimize the system, and then proceed with fast-growth morphing simulations. I don’t want a pile of snapshots that couldn’t be used for some unidentified reason.

Thanks for your help!

Input file:
  ig=-1, ! Random seed (=-1, get a number from current date and ti

  imin=1, ! Perform an energy minimization
  ntmin=2, ! Method of minimization
  ncyc=1000, ! Number of steepest descent cycles
  maxcyc=1000, ! Maximum number of minim

  ntb=1, ! Boundaries (=1, constant volume)
  igb=0, ! GB model (=0, explicit solvent)
  cut=10.0, ! Cutoff

  ntc=2, ! SHAKE constraints (=2, hydrogen bond lengths constraine
  ntf=1, ! Force evaluation (=2, hydrogen bond interactions omitte
  ntr=0, ! no positional restraints
  nmropt=1, ! To vary target temperature below

  icfe=1, ! Turn on free energy calcs
  ifsc=1, ! Use softcore potentials
  scalpha=0.5, ! alpha parmaeter in vdW decoupling
  scbeta=12, ! Å^2; scaling parmaeter for softcore electorstatics
  gti_cut=1, ! Normal non-bonded cuttoff not applied among softcore
  gti_chg_keep=1, ! Do not neutralize charges on softcore atoms
  gti_lam_sch=0, ! Do not use lambda scheduling
  gti_ele_sc=0, ! Do not use smoothstep function for electrostatics
  gti_vdw_sc=0, ! Do not use smoothstep function for vdW interactions
  gti_add_sc=1, ! Scale 1-4 non-bonded terms between common and softcore
  gti_bat_sc=0, ! Do not scale bonded terms between common and softcore b
  gti_output=0, ! Default output
  gti_cpu_output=1, ! Combine and output lambda-derivative terms for all TI r
  clambda=0.0, ! Value! Value of perturbation parameter
  dynlmb=0, ! Increment clambda every ntave steps in single morphing
  ntave=0, ! Number of steps for each clambda in single morphing sim
  klambda=1, ! Exponent in perturbed potential function
  tishake=1, ! Normal use of SHAKE
  crgmask= , ! Set to zerggo charges on mask
  ti_vdw_mask= , ! Set to zero vdW for mask
  logdvdl=0, ! Print dv/dl info

  ntwr=1, ! Restart file written every ntwr steps
  ntwx=1, ! Trajectory file written every ntwx steps
  ntpr=1, ! The mdout and mdinfo files written every ntpr steps
  ntxo=2, ! Write NetCDF coordinate file
  ioutfm=1, ! Trajectory file format (=1, Binary NetCDF)
  iwrap=0, ! Translate water molecules into the original simulation
&wt type='DUMPFREQ', istep1=100 /
&wt type='END' /


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Received on Mon Oct 31 2022 - 18:30:03 PDT
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