[AMBER] co-alchemical ion

From: Pietro Vidossich via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2022 08:24:12 +0000

Dear Amber developers and users,

we are facing unstable simulations while trying to alchemically transform a neutral peptide into a (negatively) charged one, coupled to the transformation of an ion (chloride) into a water molecule (the co-alchemical ion approach from the literature). The simulation shows huge spikes in temperature and in the forces acting on chloride and the coupled water molecule, eventually resulting in out of scale energy components (e.g. EPtot = **************). What is puzzling us is that the problem shows up only when the two transformations are simultaneously performed: independent simulations (one to transform the peptide and another to transform the ion) complete with no issues. We have being playing with the setup with unfortunately no success (different lambda values, different water models, …). I copy below leap, parmed and pmemd input files to run a simulation on a minimal system (in this system I’m transforming a serine into a serine, such that the transformation can also be run without softcore potentials on the peptide, just on the water molecule, showing that in this case the simulation behaves properly). In case, I can provide all files required to run the simulation and also a figure showing the temperature profile and the force on the chloride ion during the simulation.

Any suggestion or advice from the community on how to properly perform the coupled transformation is highly appreciated.

Thank you for your time.

Best regards,

Pietro Vidossich

Laboratory of Molecular Modelling and Drug Discovery

Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia

Genova, Italy

LEAP.IN file:

source leaprc.protein.ff14SB

source leaprc.water.spce


loadAmberParams frcmod.spcfw

set default FlexibleWater on

wt = sequence {ACE GLY SER GLY NME}

mut = sequence {ACE GLY SER GLY NME}

model = combine {wt mut Cl- SPF}

setbox model centers {20. 20. 20.}

charge model

saveamberparm model tripep.top tripep.rst



setOverwrite True

parm tripep.top

loadRestrt tripep.rst

tiMerge :1-5 :6-10 :3 :8

outparm tripep_ti.top tripep_ti.rst


PMEMD.IN file:

co-alchemical ion



ntx=1, irest=0,

ntxo=2, ntpr=1, ntwr=1000, ntwx=1, ntwv=1, ntwf=1, ntwe=1, ioutfm=0,

nstlim=100000, dt=0.001,

ntt=3, temp0=310, ig=-1, tempi=310, gamma_ln=2.0,

ntc=1, nsnb=10,

ntf=1, ntb=1, cut=10.,


icfe=1, ifsc=1, logdvdl=1,







ew_type=0, use_pme=1,


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Received on Sun Oct 23 2022 - 01:30:02 PDT
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