[AMBER] PLUMED misformatted output file

From: Tucker Burgin via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2022 09:42:50 -0700

Amber users,

I'm using Amber20 with PLUMED 2.8.0 to do umbrella sampling along a custom
CV. Everything is going fine, except on rare occasions the PLUMED output
files will have some serious formatting errors. A couple recent examples:

A missing newline:


 18.735000 -9.940796

 18.736000 -9.89812 18.776000 -10.107412

 18.777000 -10.098970

 18.778000 -10.053000


Overwriting the end of one line with the next:


 18.406000 -10.088869

 18.407000 -10.08718.368000 -9.975116

 18.369000 -10.082246


Asking around among some colleagues who regularly use PLUMED with Gromacs,
they don't report having ever encountered something like this, so I'm
guessing it's Amber-specific. Does anyone have any suggestions to prevent
this from happening?

An input file, for completeness:

Umbrella sampling
        imin =0,

And here's the relevant bits of a representative plumed.in file:

restraint-rc: RESTRAINT ARG=RC KAPPA=100.0 AT=-9.75
PRINT ARG=RC FILE=rcwin_-9.75_1_us.dat

-Tucker Burgin
AMBER mailing list
Received on Wed Oct 12 2022 - 10:00:03 PDT
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