Re: [AMBER] MMGBSA with Mn2+ ions

From: David A Case via AMBER <>
Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2022 14:48:27 -0400

On Tue, Oct 04, 2022, Rafał Madaj via AMBER wrote:
>Upon running MMGBSA for protein-ligand complex with Mn2+ ions present
>the script fails yielding:

>Beginning GB calculations with /opt/apps/amber20/bin/sander
>  calculating complex contribution...
> bad atom type: Mn

The GB parameterizations in Amber don't know about ions. I'm not sure how
the program is looking for atom type "Mn", since the atom type from ParmEd
(below) is Mn2+.

>> printDetails :350
>The mask :350 matches 1 atoms:
>   ATOM    RES  RESNAME  NAME  TYPE   At.#   LJ Radius    LJ
>Depth      Mass    Charge GB Radius GB Screen
>   5669    350       MN    MN  Mn2+     25      1.4010 0.0159  
>54.9400    2.0000    1.5000    0.8000

You could try to "trick" the codes into using the GB Radius from ParmEd, but
one doesn't expect GB results for divalent ions to have any real accuracy.

Can you not strip the Mn2+ ions from all of your input prmtops? You might
have better luck trying to use PB rather than GB, but I doubt it. If you
are stripping waters but not Mn2+, you will end up with a divalent ion with
no first-shell ligands, and this is unlikely to fare very well in energy

Others on the list may have more specific suggestions.


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Received on Tue Oct 04 2022 - 12:00:03 PDT
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