Re: [AMBER] How to do multiple 'watershell' analysis in cpptraj

From: Daniel Roe via AMBER <>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2022 07:59:21 -0400


What version of cpptraj are you using? Also, ‘solventmask’ isn’t a keyword
for ‘watershell’. You just supply a second mask for solvent.


On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 5:08 AM XP Chen via AMBER <> wrote:

> Hello, everyone,
> I would like to do multiple `watershell` analysis in one script, however,
> it will display these errors:
> ```
> Warning: DataSet 'solventmask[lower]' already present.
> Warning: DataSet 'solventmask[upper]' already present.
> Warning: Set 'solventmask[lower]' contains no data.
> Warning: Set 'solventmask[upper]' contains no data.
> Warning: File 'wsa1-aa.out' has no sets containing data.
> Warning: File 'wsa1-ab.out' has no sets containing data.
> ```
> I know it is the error of a duplicate dataset name, however, I have no
> experience to modify dataset names.
> Could anyone help me update the script?
> My script is as follows:
> ```
> parm new.prmtop
> trajin ../
> watershell :1.NE2 out cb.out lower 3.5 upper 5.0 solventmask :WAT
> watershell :3.ND1 out ha.out lower 3.5 upper 5.0 solventmask :WAT
> watershed :7.S1P out hb.out lower 3.5 upper 5.0 solventmask :WAT
> run
> ```
> Also, it is maybe convenient to add a <datasetname> variable in the
> `watershell` command in the following cpptraj version.
> Best regards,
> XP Chen
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Received on Tue Aug 16 2022 - 05:00:03 PDT
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